Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5153]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5184]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5253]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5256]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: tmptext [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5345]
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Forma i color a la música, Audició, Anna, Bassó, Àngels, Comella, Carles, Riera, Francesca, Galofré, Gabriel, Serra, Romà, Escalas, Abesten 4, Abesten, Ana, Etxebarría, Anna, Alegre, Anna, Bassó, Antoni, Bassó, César, Puente, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi, Valls, Lluïsa, Alegre, Sabin, Salaberri, Tomás, Aragüés, Xavier, Torns, Zuriñe, Fernández, Abesten 3, Abesten, Ana, Etxebarría, Anna, Bassó, Antoni, Bassó, Enriqueta, Farràs, Francesca, Galofré, Itziar, Bilbao, Joan Josep, Gutiérrez, Jordi, Valls, Jordi, Valls, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Josep-Ignasi, Gómez, Josep-Ignasi, Gómez, Lluïsa, Alegre, Mariona, Vila, Narcís, Bonet, Sabin, Salaberri, Tomás, Aragüés, Xavier, Torns, Zuriñe, Fernández, Abesten 2, Abesten, Ana, Etxebarría, Anna, Bassó, Antoni, Bassó, Enriqueta, Farràs, Eulàlia, Galofré, Francesca, Galofré, Itziar, Bilbao, Javier, Duque, Joan Josep, Gutiérrez, Jordi, Valls, Josep-Ignasi, Gómez, Juan-Luís, Milán, Lluïsa, Alegre, Mariona, Vila, Narcís, Bonet, Sabin, Salaberri, Tomás, Aragüés, Xavier, Torns, Llibre", "list" => array( array(), array(), array(), array() ), "vectorUrls" => array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ), "title_for_layout" => "Publicacions", "content_for_layout" => " <style type="text/css"> .filtre img { margin-left: 10px; } .filtre{ overflow:visible; } </style> <div class="filtre"> <div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div class="llista"> <div class="element"> 2006-07-07 19:16:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/book_with_cd-au1-audicio_1_forma_i_color_a_la_musica"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/book_with_cd-au1-audicio_1_forma_i_color_a_la_musica">Audició 1. Forma i color a la música</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Book with CD </p> <strong>Author:</strong><p><a href="/en/autor/carles_riera_pujals">Carles Riera Pujals</a>, <a href="/en/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/en/autor/roma_escalas_llimona">Romà Escalas Llimona</a></p> <strong>Collection:</strong><p><a href="/en/colleccio/audicio">Audició</a> Nr. 1</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1920"> <p>Comming Soon</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1920"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1920"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/en/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1920" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Add"> </form> </div> <p>15.00 € VAT included</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-07 18:26:00 <div class="tapa"> <a 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href="/en/colleccio/abesten">Abesten</a> Nr. 3</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1916"> <p>Comming Soon</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1916"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1916"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/en/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1916" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Add"> </form> </div> <p>18.50 € VAT included</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-06-22 18:57:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/score-ab2-abesten_2"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/score-ab2-abesten_2">Abesten 2</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Book </p> <strong>Author:</strong><p><a href="/en/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/en/autor/josep_ignasi_gomez_margarit">Josep-Ignasi Gómez Margarit</a></p> <strong>Collection:</strong><p><a href="/en/colleccio/abesten">Abesten</a> Nr. 2</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1896"> <p>Comming Soon</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1896"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1896"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/en/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1896" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Add"> </form> </div> <p>17.68 € VAT included</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="index"> <form name="form_letter" action="/en/format/pdf_con_audio_mp3" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="letter" id="letter"/> <ul> <li class="all"><a 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SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = 604800 SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/en/format/pdf_con_audio_mp3/323" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL, "paginator" => PaginatorHelper PaginatorHelper::$helpers = array PaginatorHelper::$__defaultModel = "Publicacion" PaginatorHelper::$options = array PaginatorHelper::$base = "" PaginatorHelper::$webroot = "/" PaginatorHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PaginatorHelper::$here = "/en/format/pdf_con_audio_mp3/323" PaginatorHelper::$params = array PaginatorHelper::$action = "display_home_types" PaginatorHelper::$plugin = NULL PaginatorHelper::$data = NULL PaginatorHelper::$namedArgs = NULL PaginatorHelper::$argSeparator = NULL PaginatorHelper::$validationErrors = NULL PaginatorHelper::$tags = array PaginatorHelper::$__tainted = NULL PaginatorHelper::$__cleaned = NULL PaginatorHelper::$_log = NULL PaginatorHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object PaginatorHelper::$Ajax = AjaxHelper object, "ajax" => AjaxHelper AjaxHelper::$helpers = array AjaxHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AjaxHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object AjaxHelper::$callbacks = array AjaxHelper::$ajaxOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dragOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dropOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sortOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sliderOptions = array AjaxHelper::$editorOptions = array AjaxHelper::$autoCompleteOptions = array AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array AjaxHelper::$base = "" AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/" AjaxHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AjaxHelper::$here = "/en/format/pdf_con_audio_mp3/323" AjaxHelper::$params = array AjaxHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL AjaxHelper::$data = NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object ) $loadHelpers = false $cached = true $loadedHelpers = array() $identify = null $sesionLang = "en" $categories = array( array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ) ) $qui_som = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "4", "order" => "36", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "About us", "html" => "<div> Located in the very heart of the old town of Barcelona, DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, SL was found in 1988 by Francesca Galofr&eacute; Mora as a response to her great pedagogical vocation and with the aim of disseminating knowledge and musical production.<br /> <br /> Today, with more than twenty years of constant work, the publishing company devotes itself to promoting the publication of several books and materials destined to musical education in all its fields: music schools and conservatories, school in all its levels and university.<br /> <br /> Its collection includes scores ranging from solo parts, literature for chamber ensembles and orchestras to the great symphonic repertoire, as well as works for choir in all its formations. Some of these collections include publications of critical studies in several languages.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <ul> <li> <a href="/en/p/introduction">Introduction</a></li> <li> <a href="/en/p/aims_of_the_enterprise">Aims of the enterprise</a></li> <li> <a href="/en/p/the_autors">The autors</a></li> <li> <a href="/en/p/cooperations">Cooperations</a></li> <li> <a href="/en/p/commercial_distribution">Commercial distribution</a></li> <li> <a href="/en/p/catalogue_of_releases">Catalogue of releases</a></li> </ul> ", "url" => "about_us", "published" => "1", "lft" => "5", "rght" => "26", "locale" => "en_gb" ) ) $que_fem = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "41", "order" => "8", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "What we do", "html" => "<div> At DINSIC, we basically specialize in writing and publishing books and a wide range of materials for music education. We also edit vocal, instrumental and orchestral scores for choirs, chamber ensembles and orchestras.<br /> <br /> We have a special interest in publishing music works with comments in several languages: Catalan, Spanish, Bask, French Occitan, Portuguese, English, German etc., and books about music and its world.<br /> <br /> We have a department for traditional and popular Catalan and Occitan music, which is soon going to be expanded with music from other regions.<br /> <br /> At our publishing company, we work intensively to make the most of the possibilities of the technological applications that new information and communication technologies offer within our field.<br /> <br /> Our website exhibits our catalogue of releases, which are available in all sorts of mediums (paper, CD etc.), or on-line.<br /> <br /> We have adjoined a virtual store and environment for registered users, who can benefit from additional information and support services.</div> ", "url" => "what_we_do", "published" => "1", "lft" => "71", "rght" => "72", "locale" => "en_gb" ) ) $listcolleccions = array( array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listformacions = array( array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listinstruments = array( array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $paypal = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "42", "order" => "9", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "More ways to pay: PayPal", "html" => "<div> DINSIC Publicacions Musicals is delighted to announce it already accepts PayPal as an on-line payment method, alongside Visa, Mastercard and other credit cards or other traditional payment methods as COD or shipping service.<br /> <br /> For those who don&rsquo;t know PayPal, this system is one of the most efficient ways to make and receive international and &ndash; of course - national payments.<br /> <br /> As in payments with credit cards, which are completely safe, the seller doesn&rsquo;t have any access to your banc details.<br /> <br /> Link your credit or debit card to PayPal and decide with them your preferred payment method.</div> ", "url" => "more_ways_to_pay_paypal", "published" => "1", "lft" => "73", "rght" => "74", "locale" => "en_gb" ) ) $perfils_lateral = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $cloud = " &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 3" class="word size3">abesten 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc" class="word size3">El timbaler del Bruc</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:soliloquis" class="word size7">soliloquis</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3" class="word size2">Quartet de corda núm. 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten" class="word size3">abesten</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:somnis" class="word size7">somnis</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument" class="word size9">orquestra i cada instrument</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 4" class="word size2">abesten 4</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:partitura" class="word size9">partitura</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar" class="word size2">tot ho podem expressar</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit" class="word size4">Palau insòlit</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cançoner" class="word size5">cançoner</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda" class="word size9">Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta" class="word size8">Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:piano" class="word size1">piano</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cançó" class="word size9">cançó</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla" class="word size2">cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Catala" class="word size9">Catala</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:corda" class="word size4">corda</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:passeport" class="word size2">passeport</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal" class="word size9">Sonatina de Nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes" class="word size9">Carnestoltes</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:nadal" class="word size9">nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Musica" class="word size1">Musica</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 2" class="word size5">abesten 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:flauta" class="word size6">flauta</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:musica 2" class="word size4">musica 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22" class="word size5">Da Camera 22</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles" class="word size3">acompañamiento de canciones infantiles</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:els músics més petits" class="word size3">els músics més petits</a> &nbsp;" $descompte = 0.05 $options_third_level = array( "All types", "orchestral_music" => "Orchestral music", "vocal_and_choral_music" => "Vocal and Choral Music", "instrumental_music" => "Instrumental Music" ) $options_instruments_level = array( "All Instruments", "brass" => "Brass", "clarinets_and_saxes" => "Clarinets and Saxes", "double_reed" => "Double Reed ", "electronic_keyboard" => "Electronic Keyboard", "flutes_recorders_and_pipes" => "Flutes, recorders and pipes", "guitares" => "Guitares", "harp_lyre_electric_bass_etc" => "Harp, Lyre, Electric Bass, etc.", "key_hammered_string_piano" => "Key / Hammered String (Piano)", "key_plucked_string_harpsichord" => "Key / Plucked String (Harpsichord). ", "key_wheel_bowed_string_hurdy_gurdy" => "Key / Wheel-bowed String (Hurdy-gurdy)", "key_wind" => "Key / Wind", "orff_percussion" => "Orff Percussion", "pitched_percussion" => "Pitched Percussion", "stringed_instruments" => "Stringed Instruments", "stringed_instruments_violins" => "Stringed Instruments: Violins", "ukulele" => "Ukulele", "un_piched_percussion" => "Un-piched Percussion", "unspecified_percussion" => "Unspecified Percussion", "wind_instruments_to_determine" => "Wind instruments to determine " ) $pages = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $total_basket = 0 $total_basket_count = 0 $admin = false $selected_controller = "publicacions" $browser = array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ) $selectedtab = false $cookies = array( "Page" => array( "locale" => "en_gb", "name" => "Politica de cookies", "url" => "politica_de_cookies" ) ) $aviso_cookie = true $letter_action_url = "/en/format/pdf_con_audio_mp3" $text_section = "" $breadcrumb = array( array( "url" => "/en/format/pdf_con_audio_mp3" ) ) $letterVector = array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 99, "B" => 63, "C" => 227, "D" => 164, "E" => 367, "F" => 55, "G" => 10, "H" => 60, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 206, "M" => 164, "N" => 32, "O" => 26, "P" => 137, "Q" => 53, "R" => 46, "S" => 168, "T" => 140, "U" => 15, "V" => 35, "W" => 3, "X" => 3, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ) $letter_selected = "" $lastlink = 323 $keywords = "Audició 1. Forma i color a la música, Audició, Anna, Bassó, Àngels, Comella, Carles, Riera, Francesca, Galofré, Gabriel, Serra, Romà, Escalas, Abesten 4, Abesten, Ana, Etxebarría, Anna, Alegre, Anna, Bassó, Antoni, Bassó, César, Puente, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi, Valls, Lluïsa, Alegre, Sabin, Salaberri, Tomás, Aragüés, Xavier, Torns, Zuriñe, Fernández, Abesten 3, Abesten, Ana, Etxebarría, Anna, Bassó, Antoni, Bassó, Enriqueta, Farràs, Francesca, Galofré, Itziar, Bilbao, Joan Josep, Gutiérrez, Jordi, Valls, Jordi, Valls, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Josep-Ignasi, Gómez, Josep-Ignasi, Gómez, Lluïsa, Alegre, Mariona, Vila, Narcís, Bonet, Sabin, Salaberri, Tomás, Aragüés, Xavier, Torns, Zuriñe, Fernández, Abesten 2, Abesten, Ana, Etxebarría, Anna, Bassó, Antoni, Bassó, Enriqueta, Farràs, Eulàlia, Galofré, Francesca, Galofré, Itziar, Bilbao, Javier, Duque, Joan Josep, Gutiérrez, Jordi, Valls, Josep-Ignasi, Gómez, Juan-Luís, Milán, Lluïsa, Alegre, Mariona, Vila, Narcís, Bonet, Sabin, Salaberri, Tomás, Aragüés, Xavier, Torns, Llibre" $list = array( array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ) ) $vectorUrls = array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ) $title_for_layout = "Publicacions" $content_for_layout = " <style type="text/css"> .filtre img { margin-left: 10px; } .filtre{ overflow:visible; } </style> <div class="filtre"> <div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div class="llista"> <div class="element"> 2006-07-07 19:16:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/book_with_cd-au1-audicio_1_forma_i_color_a_la_musica"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/book_with_cd-au1-audicio_1_forma_i_color_a_la_musica">Audició 1. Forma i color a la música</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Book with CD </p> <strong>Author:</strong><p><a href="/en/autor/carles_riera_pujals">Carles Riera Pujals</a>, <a href="/en/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/en/autor/roma_escalas_llimona">Romà Escalas Llimona</a></p> <strong>Collection:</strong><p><a href="/en/colleccio/audicio">Audició</a> Nr. 1</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1920"> <p>Comming Soon</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1920"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1920"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/en/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1920" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Add"> </form> </div> <p>15.00 € VAT included</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-07 18:26:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/score-ab4-abesten_4"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/score-ab4-abesten_4">Abesten 4</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Book </p> <strong>Author:</strong><p><a href="/en/autor/anna_alegre_valls">Anna Alegre Valls</a>, <a href="/en/autor/cesar_puente_morales">César Puente Morales</a>, <a href="/en/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/en/autor/jordi_valls_fuster">Jordi Valls Fuster</a>, <a href="/en/autor/llu_sa_alegre_heitzmann">Lluïsa Alegre Heitzmann</a>, <a href="/en/autor/xavier_torns_cuende">Xavier Torns Cuende</a></p> <strong>Collection:</strong><p><a href="/en/colleccio/abesten">Abesten</a> Nr. 4</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1919"> <p>Comming Soon</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1919"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1919"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/en/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1919" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Add"> </form> </div> <p>20.50 € VAT included</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-06-30 18:43:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/score-ab3-abesten_3"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/score-ab3-abesten_3">Abesten 3</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Book </p> <strong>Author:</strong><p><a href="/en/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/en/autor/jordi_valls_fuster">Jordi Valls Fuster</a></p> <strong>Collection:</strong><p><a href="/en/colleccio/abesten">Abesten</a> Nr. 3</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1916"> <p>Comming Soon</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1916"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1916"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/en/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1916" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Add"> </form> </div> <p>18.50 € VAT included</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-06-22 18:57:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/score-ab2-abesten_2"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/en/publications-subject-areas/music_schools_and_conservatoires-elementary_level/card/score-ab2-abesten_2">Abesten 2</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Book </p> <strong>Author:</strong><p><a href="/en/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/en/autor/josep_ignasi_gomez_margarit">Josep-Ignasi Gómez Margarit</a></p> <strong>Collection:</strong><p><a href="/en/colleccio/abesten">Abesten</a> Nr. 2</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1896"> <p>Comming Soon</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1896"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1896"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/en/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1896" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Add"> </form> </div> <p>17.68 € VAT included</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="index"> <form name="form_letter" action="/en/format/pdf_con_audio_mp3" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="letter" id="letter"/> <ul> <li class="all"><a 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2006-06-30 18:43:00

Abesten 3




Francesca Galofré Mora, Jordi Valls Fuster


Abesten Nr. 3

18.50 € VAT included

2006-06-22 18:57:00

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116SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '7%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '7%' 111
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118SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '9%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '9%' 111
119SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'A%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'A%' 118
120SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'B%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'B%' 116
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122SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'D%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'D%' 1111
123SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'E%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'E%' 1119
124SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'F%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'F%' 115
125SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'G%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'G%' 112
126SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'H%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'H%' 115
127SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'I%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'I%' 114
128SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'J%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'J%' 114
129SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'K%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'K%' 112
130SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'L%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'L%' 1114
131SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'M%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'M%' 1111
132SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'N%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'N%' 114
133SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'O%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'O%' 114
134SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'P%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'P%' 119
135SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'Q%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'Q%' 115
136SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'R%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'R%' 114
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138SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'T%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'T%' 119
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165SELECT `Colleccion`.`id`, `I18n__nom`.`content`, `I18n__url`.`content` FROM `colleccions` AS `Colleccion` LEFT JOIN `colleccion_translations` AS `I18n__nom` ON (`Colleccion`.`id` = `I18n__nom`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__nom`.`model` = 'Colleccion' AND `I18n__nom`.`field` = 'nom') LEFT JOIN `colleccion_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Colleccion`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Colleccion' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') LEFT JOIN `catcolleccions` AS `Catcolleccion` ON (`Colleccion`.`catcolleccion_id` = `Catcolleccion`.`id`) WHERE `Colleccion`.`id` = 674 AND `I18n__nom`.`locale` = 'en_gb' AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'en_gb' LIMIT 1110
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169SELECT `Category`.`id`, `I18n__url`.`content` FROM `categories` AS `Category` LEFT JOIN `categories_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Category`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Category' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') WHERE `Category`.`id` = 81 AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'en_gb' LIMIT 1110
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171SELECT `Category`.`id`, `I18n__url`.`content` FROM `categories` AS `Category` LEFT JOIN `categories_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Category`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Category' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') WHERE `Category`.`id` = 81 AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'en_gb' LIMIT 1110
172SELECT `Category`.`id`, `I18n__url`.`content` FROM `categories` AS `Category` LEFT JOIN `categories_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Category`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Category' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') WHERE `Category`.`id` = 75 AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'en_gb' LIMIT 1110
173SELECT `Category`.`id`, `I18n__url`.`content` FROM `categories` AS `Category` LEFT JOIN `categories_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Category`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Category' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') WHERE `Category`.`id` = 81 AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'en_gb' LIMIT 1110
174SELECT `Category`.`id`, `I18n__url`.`content` FROM `categories` AS `Category` LEFT JOIN `categories_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Category`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Category' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') WHERE `Category`.`id` = 75 AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'en_gb' LIMIT 1110
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177SELECT `Archive`.`id`, `Archive`.`name`, `Archive`.`filename`, `Archive`.`originalname`, `Archive`.`archivesize`, `Archive`.`filetype` FROM `archives` AS `Archive` WHERE `Archive`.`id` = 2102 LIMIT 1110
178SELECT `Archive`.`id`, `Archive`.`name`, `Archive`.`filename`, `Archive`.`originalname`, `Archive`.`archivesize`, `Archive`.`filetype` FROM `archives` AS `Archive` WHERE `Archive`.`id` = 2101 LIMIT 1110