Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5153]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5184]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5253]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5256]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: elem [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5321]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: tmptext [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5345]
 <pre class="cake-debug"> <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeStackTrace7").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeStackTrace7").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'><b>Notice</b> (8)</a>: Undefined index: text [<b>APP/views/layouts/default.ctp</b>, line <b>18</b>] </pre> <div id="CakeStackTrace7" class="cake-stack-trace" style="display: none;"><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode7").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode7").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Code</a> | <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext7").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext7").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Context</a><pre id="CakeErrorContext7" class="cake-context" style="display: none;">$___viewFn = "/var/www/test-dinsic/trunk/app/views/layouts/default.ctp" $___dataForView = array( "identify" => null, "sesionLang" => "ca", "categories" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "qui_som" => array( "Page" => array() ), "que_fem" => array( "Page" => array() ), "listcolleccions" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "listformacions" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "listinstruments" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "paypal" => array( "Page" => array() ), "perfils_lateral" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cloud" => " &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:flauta" class="word size1">flauta</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 3" class="word size8">abesten 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:nadal" class="word size1">nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit" class="word size9">Palau insòlit</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:musica 2" class="word size5">musica 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:piano" class="word size7">piano</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc" class="word size4">El timbaler del Bruc</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:els músics més petits" class="word size7">els músics més petits</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cançoner" class="word size3">cançoner</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal" class="word size2">Sonatina de Nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22" class="word size6">Da Camera 22</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:corda" class="word size9">corda</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3" class="word size7">Quartet de corda núm. 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten" class="word size3">abesten</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 2" class="word size2">abesten 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes" class="word size4">Carnestoltes</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta" class="word size1">Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Musica" class="word size6">Musica</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar" class="word size8">tot ho podem expressar</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cançó" class="word size4">cançó</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:somnis" class="word size8">somnis</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 4" class="word size2">abesten 4</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda" class="word size3">Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles" class="word size8">acompañamiento de canciones infantiles</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument" class="word size5">orquestra i cada instrument</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla" class="word size1">cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:partitura" class="word size8">partitura</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Catala" class="word size8">Catala</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:passeport" class="word size3">passeport</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:soliloquis" class="word size5">soliloquis</a> &nbsp;", "descompte" => 0.05, "options_third_level" => array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ), "options_instruments_level" => array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ), "pages" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "total_basket" => 0, "total_basket_count" => 0, "admin" => false, "selected_controller" => "publicacions", "browser" => array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ), "selectedtab" => false, "cookies" => array( "Page" => array() ), "aviso_cookie" => true, "letter_action_url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3", "text_section" => "", "breadcrumb" => array( array() ), "letterVector" => array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ), "letter_selected" => "", "lastlink" => 325, "keywords" => "", "list" => array(), "vectorUrls" => array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ), "title_for_layout" => "Publicacions", "content_for_layout" => " <style type="text/css"> .filtre img { margin-left: 10px; } .filtre{ overflow:visible; } </style> <div class="filtre"> <div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div class="llista"> <div id="noresults"> <h2>Ho sentim, no s'han trobat resultats.</h2> <p class="text">Pots fer una cerca mitjançant el cercador de la capçalera.</p> </div> </div> <div id="pagination" class="paginador"> <div class="paging"><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3"><< Primer</a> <a class="prev" href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/324">&lt;&lt; Prev</a> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/317">317</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318">318</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/319">319</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/320">320</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/321">321</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/322">322</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/323">323</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/324">324</a></span> <span class="current">325</span> </div> </div> ", "scripts_for_layout" => "", "cakeDebug" => "", "html" => HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/325" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "display_home_types" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = 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NULL PaginatorHelper::$__cleaned = NULL PaginatorHelper::$_log = NULL PaginatorHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object PaginatorHelper::$Ajax = AjaxHelper object, "ajax" => AjaxHelper AjaxHelper::$helpers = array AjaxHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AjaxHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object AjaxHelper::$callbacks = array AjaxHelper::$ajaxOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dragOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dropOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sortOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sliderOptions = array AjaxHelper::$editorOptions = array AjaxHelper::$autoCompleteOptions = array AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array AjaxHelper::$base = "" AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/" AjaxHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AjaxHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/325" AjaxHelper::$params = array AjaxHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL AjaxHelper::$data = NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object ) $loadHelpers = false $cached = true $loadedHelpers = array() $identify = null $sesionLang = "ca" $categories = array( array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ) ) $qui_som = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "4", "order" => "36", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Qui som?", "html" => "<div> En pl&egrave; cor de la Barcelona antiga, DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, SL va ser fundada el 1988 per Francesca Galofr&eacute; Mora amb una forta vocaci&oacute; educativa i la intenci&oacute; de difondre el coneixement i la producci&oacute; musical.<br /> <br /> Avui, amb m&eacute;s de vint anys de tasca continuada, l&#39;editorial es dedica a impulsar la redacci&oacute; de llibres i materials diversos per a l&#39;ensenyament de la m&uacute;sica en tots els seus &agrave;mbits: escoles i conservatoris de m&uacute;sica, escoles d&#39;ensenyament general en els seus diferents nivells i tamb&eacute; la universitat.<br /> <br /> Disposa de col&bull;leccions de partitures d&#39;obres que van des de l&#39;instrument solista, passant pels grups i orquestres de cambra, fins a la gran orquestra simf&ograve;nica, aix&iacute; com el cor en les seves diverses formacions. Algunes d&#39;aquestes col&bull;leccions disposen d&#39;estudis cr&iacute;tics, publicats en diversos idiomes.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <ul> <li> <a href="/ca/p/presentacio">Presentaci&oacute;</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/els_objectius_de_l_empresa">Els objectius de l&#39;empresa</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/els_autors">Els autors</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/les_cooperacions">Les cooperacions</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/la_distribucio_comercial">La distribuci&oacute; comercial</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/el_cataleg_de_publicacions">El cat&agrave;leg de publicacions</a></li> </ul> ", "url" => "qui_som", "published" => "1", "lft" => "5", "rght" => "26", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $que_fem = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "41", "order" => "8", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Què fem?", "html" => "<div> A DINSIC, ens dediquem principalment a redactar i publicar llibres i materials diversos per a l&#39;ensenyament de la m&uacute;sica, aix&iacute; com a editar partitures de m&uacute;sica vocal, instrumental i orquestral destinades a les corals, conjunts de cambra i orquestres.<br /> <br /> Tenim un inter&egrave;s especial en la publicaci&oacute; d&#39;obres musicals amb comentaris en diversos idiomes (catal&agrave;, castell&agrave;, basc, franc&egrave;s, occit&agrave;, portugu&egrave;s, angl&egrave;s, alemany etc.) i de llibres que parlen de la m&uacute;sica i el seu m&oacute;n.<br /> <br /> Comptem amb una secci&oacute; de m&uacute;sica tradicional i popular catalana molt important aix&iacute; com una col&middot;lecci&oacute; d&#39;obres contempor&agrave;nies per a instruments de cobla.<br /> <br /> A la nostra editorial, treballem intensament per a aprofitar les possibilitats de les aplicacions tecnol&ograve;giques que les TIC (noves tecnologies de la informaci&oacute; i la comunicaci&oacute;) ofereixen al nostre camp.<br /> <br /> El nostre web exposa el cat&agrave;leg de publicacions, disponibles en tota mena de suports (paper, CD etc.), o b&eacute; directament en l&iacute;nia. Disposa tamb&eacute; d&#39;una botiga i un entorn virtuals per a usuaris registrats, als que oferim serveis complementaris d&#39;informaci&oacute; i de suport, aix&iacute; com un programa d&#39;afiliaci&oacute; que els permet gaudir de descomptes especials, a m&eacute;s a m&eacute;s dels descomptes generats per les ofertes peri&ograve;diques.</div> ", "url" => "que_fem", "published" => "1", "lft" => "71", "rght" => "72", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $listcolleccions = array( array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listformacions = array( array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listinstruments = array( array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $paypal = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "42", "order" => "9", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Ja pots pagar amb PayPal", "html" => "<div> DINSIC Publicacions Musicals es complau en anunciar que ja s&rsquo;accepta PayPal com a forma de pagament on line, m&eacute;s a m&eacute;s de Visa, Mastercard, i altres targetes de cr&egrave;dit o d&rsquo;altres formes tradicionals de pagament com el reemborsament postal o d&rsquo; ag&egrave;ncia de transports. <br /> <br /> Per si no coneixes PayPal, aquest sistema &eacute;s una de les maneres m&eacute;s eficaces de fer cobraments i pagaments internacionals, i no cal dir, tamb&eacute; a dintre el pa&iacute;s.<br /> <br /> De la mateixa manera que el pagament on-line amb targeta de cr&egrave;dit, &eacute;s un sistema totalment segur en el comer&ccedil; venedor, en cap cas, t&eacute; acc&eacute;s a les teves dades banc&agrave;ries.<br /> <br /> Vincula la teva targeta de cr&egrave;dit o d&egrave;bit a PayPal i decideix amb ells la teva forma preferida de pagament.</div> ", "url" => "ja_pots_pagar_amb_paypal", "published" => "1", "lft" => "73", "rght" => "74", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $perfils_lateral = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $cloud = " &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:flauta" class="word size1">flauta</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 3" class="word size8">abesten 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:nadal" class="word size1">nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit" class="word size9">Palau insòlit</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:musica 2" class="word size5">musica 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:piano" class="word size7">piano</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc" class="word size4">El timbaler del Bruc</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:els músics més petits" class="word size7">els músics més petits</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cançoner" class="word size3">cançoner</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal" class="word size2">Sonatina de Nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22" class="word size6">Da Camera 22</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:corda" class="word size9">corda</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3" class="word size7">Quartet de corda núm. 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten" class="word size3">abesten</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 2" class="word size2">abesten 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes" class="word size4">Carnestoltes</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta" class="word size1">Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Musica" class="word size6">Musica</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar" class="word size8">tot ho podem expressar</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cançó" class="word size4">cançó</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:somnis" class="word size8">somnis</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 4" class="word size2">abesten 4</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda" class="word size3">Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles" class="word size8">acompañamiento de canciones infantiles</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument" class="word size5">orquestra i cada instrument</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla" class="word size1">cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:partitura" class="word size8">partitura</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Catala" class="word size8">Catala</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:passeport" class="word size3">passeport</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:soliloquis" class="word size5">soliloquis</a> &nbsp;" $descompte = 0.05 $options_third_level = array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ) $options_instruments_level = array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ) $pages = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" 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LibraryHelper::$data = NULL LibraryHelper::$namedArgs = NULL LibraryHelper::$argSeparator = NULL LibraryHelper::$validationErrors = NULL LibraryHelper::$tags = array LibraryHelper::$__tainted = NULL LibraryHelper::$__cleaned = NULL LibraryHelper::$_log = NULL LibraryHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object LibraryHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $session = SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "337eccbd43ced36b81f70fcab2883ac8" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = "medium" SessionHelper::$time = 1714990763 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1715012763 SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = 604800 SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/325" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL $paginator = PaginatorHelper PaginatorHelper::$helpers = array PaginatorHelper::$__defaultModel = "Publicacion" PaginatorHelper::$options = array PaginatorHelper::$base = "" PaginatorHelper::$webroot = "/" PaginatorHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PaginatorHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/325" PaginatorHelper::$params = array PaginatorHelper::$action = "display_home_types" PaginatorHelper::$plugin = NULL PaginatorHelper::$data = NULL PaginatorHelper::$namedArgs = NULL PaginatorHelper::$argSeparator = NULL PaginatorHelper::$validationErrors = NULL PaginatorHelper::$tags = array PaginatorHelper::$__tainted = NULL PaginatorHelper::$__cleaned = NULL PaginatorHelper::$_log = NULL PaginatorHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object PaginatorHelper::$Ajax = AjaxHelper object $ajax = AjaxHelper AjaxHelper::$helpers = array AjaxHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AjaxHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object AjaxHelper::$callbacks = array AjaxHelper::$ajaxOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dragOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dropOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sortOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sliderOptions = array AjaxHelper::$editorOptions = array AjaxHelper::$autoCompleteOptions = array AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array AjaxHelper::$base = "" AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/" AjaxHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AjaxHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/325" AjaxHelper::$params = array AjaxHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL AjaxHelper::$data = NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object $path_title = array( array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" ) ) $i = 0 $elem = array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" )</pre><div id="CakeErrorCode7" class="cake-code-dump" style="display: none;"><pre><code><span style="color: #000000">                    //    echo __('nivell',true).' ';</span></code> <code><span style="color: #000000">                    //}</span></code> <span class="code-highlight"><code><span style="color: #000000">                    echo $elem['text'].' ';                            </span></code></span> </pre></div><pre>include - APP/views/layouts/default.ctp, line 18 View::_render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 665 View::renderLayout() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 453 View::render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 387 Controller::render() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 805 PublicacionsController::display_home_types() - APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5353 Object::dispatchMethod() - CORE/cake/libs/object.php, line 121 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 225 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 192 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 88</pre></div>

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Partitures i llibres de música: qualitat, creativitat i servei, sempre al teu abast

Ho sentim, no s'han trobat resultats.

Pots fer una cerca mitjançant el cercador de la capçalera.

DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, S.L.
Magatzem: Sepúlveda, 84 - 08015 Barcelona (Calàbria / Metro L1 Rocafort)
De dilluns a divendres 9:30 - 13:30
Tels. +34 93 832 69 46
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(default) 147 queries took 800 ms
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107SELECT `Page`.*, `I18n__name`.`content`, `I18n__html`.`content`, `I18n__url`.`content`, `I18n__published`.`content` FROM `pages` AS `Page` LEFT JOIN `pages_translations` AS `I18n__name` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__name`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__name`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__name`.`field` = 'name') LEFT JOIN `pages_translations` AS `I18n__html` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__html`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__html`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__html`.`field` = 'html') LEFT JOIN `pages_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') LEFT JOIN `pages_translations` AS `I18n__published` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__published`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__published`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__published`.`field` = 'published') WHERE `Page`.`published` = '1' AND `I18n__name`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__html`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__published`.`locale` = 'ca_es' ORDER BY `order` DESC 43431
108SELECT `I18n__name`.`content`, `I18n__url`.`content` FROM `pages` AS `Page` LEFT JOIN `pages_translations` AS `I18n__name` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__name`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__name`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__name`.`field` = 'name') LEFT JOIN `pages_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') WHERE `Page`.`id` = 56 AND `I18n__name`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'ca_es' LIMIT 1110
109SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '0%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '0%' 112
110SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '1%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '1%' 113
111SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '2%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '2%' 112
112SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '3%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '3%' 112
113SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '4%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '4%' 111
114SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '5%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '5%' 111
115SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '6%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '6%' 112
116SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '7%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '7%' 111
117SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '8%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '8%' 111
118SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE '9%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE '9%' 111
119SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'A%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'A%' 117
120SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'B%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'B%' 115
121SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'C%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'C%' 1114
122SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'D%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'D%' 1111
123SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'E%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'E%' 1120
124SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'F%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'F%' 115
125SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'G%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'G%' 112
126SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'H%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'H%' 116
127SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'I%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'I%' 114
128SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'J%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'J%' 114
129SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'K%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'K%' 112
130SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'L%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'L%' 1113
131SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'M%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'M%' 1111
132SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'N%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'N%' 114
133SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'O%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'O%' 113
134SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'P%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'P%' 119
135SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'Q%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'Q%' 114
136SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'R%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'R%' 114
137SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'S%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'S%' 119
138SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'T%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'T%' 118
139SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'U%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'U%' 112
140SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'V%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'V%' 113
141SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'W%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'W%' 112
142SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'X%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'X%' 111
143SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'Y%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'Y%' 111
144SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'Z%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'Z%' 111
145SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es') WHERE 1 = 1 1178
146SELECT DISTINCT `Publicacion`.`id`, `Publicacion`.`format`, `Publicacion`.`preu`, `Publicacion`.`created`, `Publicacion`.`novetat`, `Publicacion`.`en_preparacio`, `Publicacion`.`recomanat`, `Publicacion`.`exhaurit`, `Publicacion`.`oferta`, `I18n__titol`.`content`, `I18n__url`.`content`, `I18n__intro`.`content`, `Publicacion`.`id` FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` LEFT JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `I18n__titol` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `I18n__titol`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__titol`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `I18n__titol`.`field` = 'titol') LEFT JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') LEFT JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `I18n__intro` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `I18n__intro`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__intro`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `I18n__intro`.`field` = 'intro') WHERE `I18n__titol`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__intro`.`locale` = 'ca_es' ORDER BY `Publicacion`.`created` DESC LIMIT 2268, 700536
147SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es') WHERE 1 = 1 110