Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5153]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5184]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5253]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: conditions [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5256]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: tmptext [APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5345]
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&nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit" class="word size8">Palau insòlit</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:nadal" class="word size5">nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Musica" class="word size1">Musica</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 2" class="word size1">abesten 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 3" class="word size6">abesten 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:passeport" class="word size8">passeport</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes" class="word size8">Carnestoltes</a> &nbsp;", "descompte" => 0.05, "options_third_level" => array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ), "options_instruments_level" => array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ), "pages" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "total_basket" => 0, "total_basket_count" => 0, "admin" => false, "selected_controller" => "publicacions", "browser" => array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ), "selectedtab" => false, "letter_action_url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3", "text_section" => "", "breadcrumb" => array( array() ), "letterVector" => array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ), "letter_selected" => "", "lastlink" => 325, "keywords" => "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre", "list" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "vectorUrls" => array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ), "title_for_layout" => "Publicacions", "content_for_layout" => " <style type="text/css"> .filtre img { margin-left: 10px; } .filtre{ overflow:visible; } </style> <div class="filtre"> <div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div class="llista"> <div class="element"> 2006-07-13 16:31:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/escoles_de_musica_i_conservatoris-grau_elemental/card/partitura-ar1-arietta_1"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/escoles_de_musica_i_conservatoris-grau_elemental/card/partitura-ar1-arietta_1">Arietta 1</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Partitura </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/m_dolors_bonal">M.Dolors Bonal</a></p> <pre class="cake-debug"> <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeStackTrace6").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeStackTrace6").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'><b>Notice</b> (8)</a>: Undefined index: visible_instrumentacio [<b>APP/views/categories/display.ctp</b>, line <b>394</b>] </pre> <div id="CakeStackTrace6" class="cake-stack-trace" style="display: none;"><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode6").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode6").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Code</a> | <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext6").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext6").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Context</a><pre id="CakeErrorContext6" class="cake-context" style="display: none;">$___viewFn = "/var/www/test-dinsic/trunk/app/views/categories/display.ctp" $___dataForView = array( "identify" => null, "sesionLang" => "ca", "categories" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "qui_som" => array( "Page" => array() ), "que_fem" => array( "Page" => array() ), "listcolleccions" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "listformacions" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "listinstruments" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "paypal" => array( "Page" => array() ), "perfils_lateral" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cloud" => " &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:flauta&quot; class=&quot;word size2&quot;&gt;flauta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:corda&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; 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&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Musica&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Musica&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 2&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;abesten 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 3&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;abesten 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:passeport&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;passeport&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Carnestoltes&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp;", "descompte" => 0.05, "options_third_level" => array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ), "options_instruments_level" => array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ), "pages" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "total_basket" => 0, "total_basket_count" => 0, "admin" => false, "selected_controller" => "publicacions", "browser" => array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ), "selectedtab" => false, "letter_action_url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3", "text_section" => "", "breadcrumb" => array( array() ), "letterVector" => array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ), "letter_selected" => "", "lastlink" => 325, "keywords" => "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre", "list" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "vectorUrls" => array( "ca_es" => "/format/", 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RssHelper::$model = NULL RssHelper::$field = NULL RssHelper::$version = "2.0" RssHelper::$encoding = "UTF-8" RssHelper::$webroot = "/" RssHelper::$themeWeb = NULL RssHelper::$plugin = NULL RssHelper::$namedArgs = NULL RssHelper::$argSeparator = NULL RssHelper::$validationErrors = NULL RssHelper::$tags = array RssHelper::$__tainted = NULL RssHelper::$__cleaned = NULL RssHelper::$_log = NULL RssHelper::$Xml = Xml object RssHelper::$Time = TimeHelper object, "Time" => TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "display_home_types" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL, "Library" => LibraryHelper LibraryHelper::$helpers = array LibraryHelper::$base = "" LibraryHelper::$webroot = "/" LibraryHelper::$themeWeb = NULL LibraryHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" LibraryHelper::$params = array LibraryHelper::$action = "display_home_types" LibraryHelper::$plugin = NULL LibraryHelper::$data = NULL LibraryHelper::$namedArgs = NULL LibraryHelper::$argSeparator = NULL LibraryHelper::$validationErrors = NULL LibraryHelper::$tags = array LibraryHelper::$__tainted = NULL LibraryHelper::$__cleaned = NULL LibraryHelper::$_log = NULL LibraryHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object LibraryHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object, "Session" => SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "337eccbd43ced36b81f70fcab2883ac8" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = "medium" SessionHelper::$time = 1716101424 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1716123424 SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = 604800 SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL, "Paginator" => PaginatorHelper PaginatorHelper::$helpers = array PaginatorHelper::$__defaultModel = NULL PaginatorHelper::$options = array PaginatorHelper::$base = "" PaginatorHelper::$webroot = "/" PaginatorHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PaginatorHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" PaginatorHelper::$params = array PaginatorHelper::$action = "display_home_types" PaginatorHelper::$plugin = NULL PaginatorHelper::$data = NULL PaginatorHelper::$namedArgs = NULL 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NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object ) $helper = "Ajax" $camelBackedHelper = "ajax" $html = HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "display_home_types" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL $form = FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array FormHelper::$fields = array FormHelper::$requestType = NULL FormHelper::$base = "" FormHelper::$webroot = "/" FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL FormHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" FormHelper::$params = array FormHelper::$action = "display_home_types" FormHelper::$plugin = NULL FormHelper::$data = NULL FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL FormHelper::$tags = array FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL FormHelper::$_log = NULL FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object $text = "M.Dolors Bonal " $search = SearchHelper SearchHelper::$helpers = array SearchHelper::$base = "" SearchHelper::$webroot = "/" SearchHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SearchHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SearchHelper::$params = array SearchHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SearchHelper::$plugin = NULL SearchHelper::$data = NULL SearchHelper::$namedArgs = NULL SearchHelper::$argSeparator = NULL SearchHelper::$validationErrors = NULL SearchHelper::$tags = array SearchHelper::$__tainted = NULL SearchHelper::$__cleaned = NULL SearchHelper::$_log = NULL SearchHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object SearchHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $javascript = JavascriptHelper JavascriptHelper::$useNative = true JavascriptHelper::$enabled = true JavascriptHelper::$safe = false JavascriptHelper::$tags = array JavascriptHelper::$_blockOptions = array JavascriptHelper::$_cachedEvents = array JavascriptHelper::$_cacheEvents = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheToFile = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheAll = false JavascriptHelper::$_rules = array JavascriptHelper::$__scriptBuffer = NULL JavascriptHelper::$helpers = NULL JavascriptHelper::$base = "" JavascriptHelper::$webroot = "/" JavascriptHelper::$themeWeb = NULL JavascriptHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" JavascriptHelper::$params = array JavascriptHelper::$action = "display_home_types" JavascriptHelper::$plugin = NULL JavascriptHelper::$data = NULL JavascriptHelper::$namedArgs = NULL JavascriptHelper::$argSeparator = NULL JavascriptHelper::$validationErrors = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__tainted = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__cleaned = NULL JavascriptHelper::$_log = NULL $adminmenu = AdminmenuHelper AdminmenuHelper::$helpers = array AdminmenuHelper::$base = "" AdminmenuHelper::$webroot = "/" AdminmenuHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" AdminmenuHelper::$params = array AdminmenuHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AdminmenuHelper::$plugin = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$data = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$tags = array AdminmenuHelper::$__tainted = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$_log = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AdminmenuHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $rss = RssHelper RssHelper::$helpers = array RssHelper::$base = "" RssHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" RssHelper::$params = array RssHelper::$action = "display_home_types" RssHelper::$data = NULL RssHelper::$model = NULL RssHelper::$field = NULL RssHelper::$version = "2.0" RssHelper::$encoding = "UTF-8" RssHelper::$webroot = "/" RssHelper::$themeWeb = NULL RssHelper::$plugin = NULL RssHelper::$namedArgs = NULL RssHelper::$argSeparator = NULL RssHelper::$validationErrors = NULL RssHelper::$tags = array RssHelper::$__tainted = NULL RssHelper::$__cleaned = NULL RssHelper::$_log = NULL RssHelper::$Xml = Xml object RssHelper::$Time = TimeHelper object $time = TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "display_home_types" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL $library = LibraryHelper LibraryHelper::$helpers = array LibraryHelper::$base = "" LibraryHelper::$webroot = "/" LibraryHelper::$themeWeb = NULL LibraryHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" LibraryHelper::$params = array LibraryHelper::$action = "display_home_types" LibraryHelper::$plugin = NULL LibraryHelper::$data = NULL LibraryHelper::$namedArgs = NULL LibraryHelper::$argSeparator = NULL LibraryHelper::$validationErrors = NULL LibraryHelper::$tags = array LibraryHelper::$__tainted = NULL LibraryHelper::$__cleaned = NULL LibraryHelper::$_log = NULL LibraryHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object LibraryHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $session = SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "337eccbd43ced36b81f70fcab2883ac8" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = "medium" SessionHelper::$time = 1716101424 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1716123424 SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = 604800 SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL $paginator = PaginatorHelper PaginatorHelper::$helpers = array PaginatorHelper::$__defaultModel = NULL PaginatorHelper::$options = array PaginatorHelper::$base = "" PaginatorHelper::$webroot = "/" PaginatorHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PaginatorHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" PaginatorHelper::$params = array PaginatorHelper::$action = "display_home_types" PaginatorHelper::$plugin = NULL PaginatorHelper::$data = NULL PaginatorHelper::$namedArgs = NULL PaginatorHelper::$argSeparator = NULL PaginatorHelper::$validationErrors = NULL PaginatorHelper::$tags = array PaginatorHelper::$__tainted = NULL PaginatorHelper::$__cleaned = NULL PaginatorHelper::$_log = NULL PaginatorHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object PaginatorHelper::$Ajax = AjaxHelper object $ajax = AjaxHelper AjaxHelper::$helpers = array AjaxHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AjaxHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object AjaxHelper::$callbacks = array AjaxHelper::$ajaxOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dragOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dropOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sortOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sliderOptions = array AjaxHelper::$editorOptions = array AjaxHelper::$autoCompleteOptions = array AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array AjaxHelper::$base = "" AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/" AjaxHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AjaxHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" AjaxHelper::$params = array AjaxHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL AjaxHelper::$data = NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object $identify = null $sesionLang = "ca" $categories = array( array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ) ) $qui_som = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "4", "order" => "36", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Qui som?", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; En pl&amp;egrave; cor de la Barcelona antiga, DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, SL va ser fundada el 1988 per Francesca Galofr&amp;eacute; Mora amb una forta vocaci&amp;oacute; educativa i la intenci&amp;oacute; de difondre el coneixement i la producci&amp;oacute; musical.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Avui, amb m&amp;eacute;s de vint anys de tasca continuada, l&amp;#39;editorial es dedica a impulsar la redacci&amp;oacute; de llibres i materials diversos per a l&amp;#39;ensenyament de la m&amp;uacute;sica en tots els seus &amp;agrave;mbits: escoles i conservatoris de m&amp;uacute;sica, escoles d&amp;#39;ensenyament general en els seus diferents nivells i tamb&amp;eacute; la universitat.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Disposa de col&amp;bull;leccions de partitures d&amp;#39;obres que van des de l&amp;#39;instrument solista, passant pels grups i orquestres de cambra, fins a la gran orquestra simf&amp;ograve;nica, aix&amp;iacute; com el cor en les seves diverses formacions. Algunes d&amp;#39;aquestes col&amp;bull;leccions disposen d&amp;#39;estudis cr&amp;iacute;tics, publicats en diversos idiomes.&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt; &amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/presentacio&quot;&gt;Presentaci&amp;oacute;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/els_objectius_de_l_empresa&quot;&gt;Els objectius de l&amp;#39;empresa&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/els_autors&quot;&gt;Els autors&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/les_cooperacions&quot;&gt;Les cooperacions&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/la_distribucio_comercial&quot;&gt;La distribuci&amp;oacute; comercial&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/el_cataleg_de_publicacions&quot;&gt;El cat&amp;agrave;leg de publicacions&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; ", "url" => "qui_som", "published" => "1", "lft" => "5", "rght" => "26", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $que_fem = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "41", "order" => "8", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Què fem?", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; A DINSIC, ens dediquem principalment a redactar i publicar llibres i materials diversos per a l&amp;#39;ensenyament de la m&amp;uacute;sica, aix&amp;iacute; com a editar partitures de m&amp;uacute;sica vocal, instrumental i orquestral destinades a les corals, conjunts de cambra i orquestres.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Tenim un inter&amp;egrave;s especial en la publicaci&amp;oacute; d&amp;#39;obres musicals amb comentaris en diversos idiomes (catal&amp;agrave;, castell&amp;agrave;, basc, franc&amp;egrave;s, occit&amp;agrave;, portugu&amp;egrave;s, angl&amp;egrave;s, alemany etc.) i de llibres que parlen de la m&amp;uacute;sica i el seu m&amp;oacute;n.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Comptem amb una secci&amp;oacute; de m&amp;uacute;sica tradicional i popular catalana molt important aix&amp;iacute; com una col&amp;middot;lecci&amp;oacute; d&amp;#39;obres contempor&amp;agrave;nies per a instruments de cobla.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; A la nostra editorial, treballem intensament per a aprofitar les possibilitats de les aplicacions tecnol&amp;ograve;giques que les TIC (noves tecnologies de la informaci&amp;oacute; i la comunicaci&amp;oacute;) ofereixen al nostre camp.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; El nostre web exposa el cat&amp;agrave;leg de publicacions, disponibles en tota mena de suports (paper, CD etc.), o b&amp;eacute; directament en l&amp;iacute;nia. Disposa tamb&amp;eacute; d&amp;#39;una botiga i un entorn virtuals per a usuaris registrats, als que oferim serveis complementaris d&amp;#39;informaci&amp;oacute; i de suport, aix&amp;iacute; com un programa d&amp;#39;afiliaci&amp;oacute; que els permet gaudir de descomptes especials, a m&amp;eacute;s a m&amp;eacute;s dels descomptes generats per les ofertes peri&amp;ograve;diques.&lt;/div&gt; ", "url" => "que_fem", "published" => "1", "lft" => "71", "rght" => "72", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $listcolleccions = array( array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listformacions = array( array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listinstruments = array( array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $paypal = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "42", "order" => "9", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Ja pots pagar amb PayPal", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; DINSIC Publicacions Musicals es complau en anunciar que ja s&amp;rsquo;accepta PayPal com a forma de pagament on line, m&amp;eacute;s a m&amp;eacute;s de Visa, Mastercard, i altres targetes de cr&amp;egrave;dit o d&amp;rsquo;altres formes tradicionals de pagament com el reemborsament postal o d&amp;rsquo; ag&amp;egrave;ncia de transports. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Per si no coneixes PayPal, aquest sistema &amp;eacute;s una de les maneres m&amp;eacute;s eficaces de fer cobraments i pagaments internacionals, i no cal dir, tamb&amp;eacute; a dintre el pa&amp;iacute;s.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; De la mateixa manera que el pagament on-line amb targeta de cr&amp;egrave;dit, &amp;eacute;s un sistema totalment segur en el comer&amp;ccedil; venedor, en cap cas, t&amp;eacute; acc&amp;eacute;s a les teves dades banc&amp;agrave;ries.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Vincula la teva targeta de cr&amp;egrave;dit o d&amp;egrave;bit a PayPal i decideix amb ells la teva forma preferida de pagament.&lt;/div&gt; ", "url" => "ja_pots_pagar_amb_paypal", "published" => "1", "lft" => "73", "rght" => "74", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $perfils_lateral = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $cloud = " &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:flauta&quot; class=&quot;word size2&quot;&gt;flauta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:corda&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:els músics més petits&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;els músics més petits&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:partitura&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;partitura&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:piano&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;piano&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;El timbaler del Bruc&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:somnis&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;somnis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançó&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;cançó&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;abesten&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;orquestra i cada instrument&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:soliloquis&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;soliloquis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;tot ho podem expressar&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Quartet de corda núm. 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Catala&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Catala&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:musica 2&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;musica 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 4&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;abesten 4&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançoner&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;cançoner&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;Sonatina de Nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Palau insòlit&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Musica&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Musica&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 2&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;abesten 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 3&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;abesten 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:passeport&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;passeport&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Carnestoltes&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp;" $descompte = 0.05 $options_third_level = array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ) $options_instruments_level = array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ) $pages = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $total_basket = 0 $total_basket_count = 0 $admin = false $selected_controller = "publicacions" $browser = array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ) $selectedtab = false $letter_action_url = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" $text_section = "" $breadcrumb = array( array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" ) ) $letterVector = array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ) $letter_selected = "" $lastlink = 325 $keywords = "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre" $list = array( array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ) ) $vectorUrls = array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ) $length = 0 $i = 1 $publicacion = array( "Publicacion" => array( "id" => "1997", "format" => "Partitura", "preu" => "6.25", "created" => "2006-07-13 16:31:00", "novetat" => "0", "en_preparacio" => "0", "recomanat" => "0", "exhaurit" => "0", "oferta" => "0", "locale" => "ca_es", "titol" => "Arietta 1", "url" => "partitura-ar1-arietta_1", "intro" => "", "path" => "escoles_de_musica_i_conservatoris-grau_elemental" ), "Archivesrelation" => array( array(), array() ), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array( array(), array() ), "Category" => array( array(), array() ), "Colleccion" => array( array() ), "Editor" => array( array() ), "Enquadernacion" => array( array() ), "Formacion" => array( array(), array() ), "Idioma" => array( array() ), "Instrument" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "Mida" => array( array() ), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array( array(), array() ), "Rsspost" => array() ) $selected_image = "2407" $pub = array( "id" => "1832", "model" => "Publicacion", "foreign_id" => "1997", "order" => "0", "file_id" => "2407", "archivestypes_id" => "2" ) $urlimage = "" $urlimagesize = "/var/www/dinsic/root/app/webroot/img/cache/63a9bde04dd1d643fac825cae7bbdbbb-2407-100.jpg" $imgsize = array( 100, 67, 2, "width=&quot;100&quot; 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"" : "none")'><b>Notice</b> (8)</a>: Undefined index: visible_formacions [<b>APP/views/categories/display.ctp</b>, line <b>406</b>] </pre> <div id="CakeStackTrace7" class="cake-stack-trace" style="display: none;"><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode7").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode7").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Code</a> | <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext7").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext7").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Context</a><pre id="CakeErrorContext7" class="cake-context" style="display: none;">$___viewFn = "/var/www/test-dinsic/trunk/app/views/categories/display.ctp" $___dataForView = array( "identify" => null, "sesionLang" => "ca", "categories" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "qui_som" => array( "Page" => array() ), "que_fem" => array( "Page" => array() ), "listcolleccions" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "listformacions" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "listinstruments" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "paypal" => array( "Page" => array() ), "perfils_lateral" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cloud" => " &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:flauta&quot; class=&quot;word size2&quot;&gt;flauta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:corda&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:els músics més petits&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;els músics més petits&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:partitura&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;partitura&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:piano&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;piano&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;El timbaler del Bruc&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:somnis&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;somnis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançó&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;cançó&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;abesten&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;orquestra i cada instrument&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:soliloquis&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;soliloquis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;tot ho podem expressar&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Quartet de corda núm. 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Catala&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Catala&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:musica 2&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;musica 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 4&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;abesten 4&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançoner&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;cançoner&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;Sonatina de Nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Palau insòlit&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Musica&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Musica&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 2&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;abesten 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 3&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;abesten 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:passeport&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;passeport&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Carnestoltes&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp;", "descompte" => 0.05, "options_third_level" => array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ), "options_instruments_level" => array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ), "pages" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "total_basket" => 0, "total_basket_count" => 0, "admin" => false, "selected_controller" => "publicacions", "browser" => array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ), "selectedtab" => false, "letter_action_url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3", "text_section" => "", "breadcrumb" => array( array() ), "letterVector" => array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ), "letter_selected" => "", "lastlink" => 325, "keywords" => "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre", "list" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "vectorUrls" => array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ) ) $loadHelpers = true $cached = false $loadedHelpers = array( "Html" => HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "display_home_types" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL, "Form" => FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array FormHelper::$fields = array FormHelper::$requestType = NULL FormHelper::$base = "" FormHelper::$webroot = "/" FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL FormHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" 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array RssHelper::$base = "" RssHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" RssHelper::$params = array RssHelper::$action = "display_home_types" RssHelper::$data = NULL RssHelper::$model = NULL RssHelper::$field = NULL RssHelper::$version = "2.0" RssHelper::$encoding = "UTF-8" RssHelper::$webroot = "/" RssHelper::$themeWeb = NULL RssHelper::$plugin = NULL RssHelper::$namedArgs = NULL RssHelper::$argSeparator = NULL RssHelper::$validationErrors = NULL RssHelper::$tags = array RssHelper::$__tainted = NULL RssHelper::$__cleaned = NULL RssHelper::$_log = NULL RssHelper::$Xml = Xml object RssHelper::$Time = TimeHelper object $time = TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "display_home_types" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL $library = LibraryHelper LibraryHelper::$helpers = array LibraryHelper::$base = "" LibraryHelper::$webroot = "/" LibraryHelper::$themeWeb = NULL LibraryHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" LibraryHelper::$params = array LibraryHelper::$action = "display_home_types" LibraryHelper::$plugin = NULL LibraryHelper::$data = NULL LibraryHelper::$namedArgs = NULL LibraryHelper::$argSeparator = NULL LibraryHelper::$validationErrors = NULL LibraryHelper::$tags = array LibraryHelper::$__tainted = NULL LibraryHelper::$__cleaned = NULL LibraryHelper::$_log = NULL LibraryHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object LibraryHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $session = SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "337eccbd43ced36b81f70fcab2883ac8" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = "medium" SessionHelper::$time = 1716101424 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1716123424 SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = 604800 SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL $paginator = PaginatorHelper PaginatorHelper::$helpers = array PaginatorHelper::$__defaultModel = NULL PaginatorHelper::$options = array PaginatorHelper::$base = "" PaginatorHelper::$webroot = "/" PaginatorHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PaginatorHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" PaginatorHelper::$params = array PaginatorHelper::$action = "display_home_types" PaginatorHelper::$plugin = NULL PaginatorHelper::$data = NULL PaginatorHelper::$namedArgs = NULL PaginatorHelper::$argSeparator = NULL PaginatorHelper::$validationErrors = NULL PaginatorHelper::$tags = array PaginatorHelper::$__tainted = NULL PaginatorHelper::$__cleaned = NULL PaginatorHelper::$_log = NULL PaginatorHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object PaginatorHelper::$Ajax = AjaxHelper object $ajax = AjaxHelper AjaxHelper::$helpers = array AjaxHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AjaxHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object AjaxHelper::$callbacks = array AjaxHelper::$ajaxOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dragOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dropOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sortOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sliderOptions = array AjaxHelper::$editorOptions = array AjaxHelper::$autoCompleteOptions = array AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array AjaxHelper::$base = "" AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/" AjaxHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AjaxHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" AjaxHelper::$params = array AjaxHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL AjaxHelper::$data = NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object $identify = null $sesionLang = "ca" $categories = array( array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ) ) $qui_som = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "4", "order" => "36", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Qui som?", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; En pl&amp;egrave; cor de la Barcelona antiga, DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, SL va ser fundada el 1988 per Francesca Galofr&amp;eacute; Mora amb una forta vocaci&amp;oacute; educativa i la intenci&amp;oacute; de difondre el coneixement i la producci&amp;oacute; musical.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Avui, amb m&amp;eacute;s de vint anys de tasca continuada, l&amp;#39;editorial es dedica a impulsar la redacci&amp;oacute; de llibres i materials diversos per a l&amp;#39;ensenyament de la m&amp;uacute;sica en tots els seus &amp;agrave;mbits: escoles i conservatoris de m&amp;uacute;sica, escoles d&amp;#39;ensenyament general en els seus diferents nivells i tamb&amp;eacute; la universitat.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Disposa de col&amp;bull;leccions de partitures d&amp;#39;obres que van des de l&amp;#39;instrument solista, passant pels grups i orquestres de cambra, fins a la gran orquestra simf&amp;ograve;nica, aix&amp;iacute; com el cor en les seves diverses formacions. Algunes d&amp;#39;aquestes col&amp;bull;leccions disposen d&amp;#39;estudis cr&amp;iacute;tics, publicats en diversos idiomes.&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt; &amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/presentacio&quot;&gt;Presentaci&amp;oacute;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/els_objectius_de_l_empresa&quot;&gt;Els objectius de l&amp;#39;empresa&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/els_autors&quot;&gt;Els autors&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/les_cooperacions&quot;&gt;Les cooperacions&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/la_distribucio_comercial&quot;&gt;La distribuci&amp;oacute; comercial&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/el_cataleg_de_publicacions&quot;&gt;El cat&amp;agrave;leg de publicacions&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; ", "url" => "qui_som", "published" => "1", "lft" => "5", "rght" => "26", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $que_fem = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "41", "order" => "8", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Què fem?", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; A DINSIC, ens dediquem principalment a redactar i publicar llibres i materials diversos per a l&amp;#39;ensenyament de la m&amp;uacute;sica, aix&amp;iacute; com a editar partitures de m&amp;uacute;sica vocal, instrumental i orquestral destinades a les corals, conjunts de cambra i orquestres.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Tenim un inter&amp;egrave;s especial en la publicaci&amp;oacute; d&amp;#39;obres musicals amb comentaris en diversos idiomes (catal&amp;agrave;, castell&amp;agrave;, basc, franc&amp;egrave;s, occit&amp;agrave;, portugu&amp;egrave;s, angl&amp;egrave;s, alemany etc.) i de llibres que parlen de la m&amp;uacute;sica i el seu m&amp;oacute;n.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Comptem amb una secci&amp;oacute; de m&amp;uacute;sica tradicional i popular catalana molt important aix&amp;iacute; com una col&amp;middot;lecci&amp;oacute; d&amp;#39;obres contempor&amp;agrave;nies per a instruments de cobla.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; A la nostra editorial, treballem intensament per a aprofitar les possibilitats de les aplicacions tecnol&amp;ograve;giques que les TIC (noves tecnologies de la informaci&amp;oacute; i la comunicaci&amp;oacute;) ofereixen al nostre camp.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; El nostre web exposa el cat&amp;agrave;leg de publicacions, disponibles en tota mena de suports (paper, CD etc.), o b&amp;eacute; directament en l&amp;iacute;nia. Disposa tamb&amp;eacute; d&amp;#39;una botiga i un entorn virtuals per a usuaris registrats, als que oferim serveis complementaris d&amp;#39;informaci&amp;oacute; i de suport, aix&amp;iacute; com un programa d&amp;#39;afiliaci&amp;oacute; que els permet gaudir de descomptes especials, a m&amp;eacute;s a m&amp;eacute;s dels descomptes generats per les ofertes peri&amp;ograve;diques.&lt;/div&gt; ", "url" => "que_fem", "published" => "1", "lft" => "71", "rght" => "72", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $listcolleccions = array( array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listformacions = array( array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listinstruments = array( array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $paypal = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "42", "order" => "9", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Ja pots pagar amb PayPal", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; DINSIC Publicacions Musicals es complau en anunciar que ja s&amp;rsquo;accepta PayPal com a forma de pagament on line, m&amp;eacute;s a m&amp;eacute;s de Visa, Mastercard, i altres targetes de cr&amp;egrave;dit o d&amp;rsquo;altres formes tradicionals de pagament com el reemborsament postal o d&amp;rsquo; ag&amp;egrave;ncia de transports. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Per si no coneixes PayPal, aquest sistema &amp;eacute;s una de les maneres m&amp;eacute;s eficaces de fer cobraments i pagaments internacionals, i no cal dir, tamb&amp;eacute; a dintre el pa&amp;iacute;s.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; De la mateixa manera que el pagament on-line amb targeta de cr&amp;egrave;dit, &amp;eacute;s un sistema totalment segur en el comer&amp;ccedil; venedor, en cap cas, t&amp;eacute; acc&amp;eacute;s a les teves dades banc&amp;agrave;ries.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Vincula la teva targeta de cr&amp;egrave;dit o d&amp;egrave;bit a PayPal i decideix amb ells la teva forma preferida de pagament.&lt;/div&gt; ", "url" => "ja_pots_pagar_amb_paypal", "published" => "1", "lft" => "73", "rght" => "74", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $perfils_lateral = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $cloud = " &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:flauta&quot; class=&quot;word size2&quot;&gt;flauta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:corda&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:els músics més petits&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;els músics més petits&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:partitura&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;partitura&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:piano&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;piano&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;El timbaler del Bruc&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:somnis&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;somnis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançó&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;cançó&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;abesten&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;orquestra i cada instrument&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:soliloquis&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;soliloquis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;tot ho podem expressar&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Quartet de corda núm. 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Catala&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Catala&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:musica 2&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;musica 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 4&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;abesten 4&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançoner&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;cançoner&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;Sonatina de Nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Palau insòlit&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Musica&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Musica&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 2&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;abesten 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 3&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;abesten 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:passeport&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;passeport&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Carnestoltes&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp;" $descompte = 0.05 $options_third_level = array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ) $options_instruments_level = array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ) $pages = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $total_basket = 0 $total_basket_count = 0 $admin = false $selected_controller = "publicacions" $browser = array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ) $selectedtab = false $letter_action_url = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" $text_section = "" $breadcrumb = array( array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" ) ) $letterVector = array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ) $letter_selected = "" $lastlink = 325 $keywords = "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre" $list = array( array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ) ) $vectorUrls = array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ) $length = 0 $i = 1 $publicacion = array( "Publicacion" => array( "id" => "1997", "format" => "Partitura", "preu" => "6.25", "created" => "2006-07-13 16:31:00", "novetat" => "0", "en_preparacio" => "0", "recomanat" => "0", "exhaurit" => "0", "oferta" => "0", "locale" => "ca_es", "titol" => "Arietta 1", "url" => "partitura-ar1-arietta_1", "intro" => "", "path" => "escoles_de_musica_i_conservatoris-grau_elemental" ), "Archivesrelation" => array( array(), array() ), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array( array(), array() ), "Category" => array( array(), array() ), "Colleccion" => array( array() ), "Editor" => array( array() ), "Enquadernacion" => array( array() ), "Formacion" => array( array(), array() ), "Idioma" => array( array() ), "Instrument" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "Mida" => array( array() ), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array( array(), array() ), "Rsspost" => array() ) $selected_image = "2407" $pub = array( "id" => "1832", "model" => "Publicacion", "foreign_id" => "1997", "order" => "0", "file_id" => "2407", "archivestypes_id" => "2" ) $urlimage = "" $urlimagesize = "/var/www/dinsic/root/app/webroot/img/cache/63a9bde04dd1d643fac825cae7bbdbbb-2407-100.jpg" $imgsize = array( 100, 67, 2, "width=&quot;100&quot; 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Recueil de basses et chants donnés</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/nadia_boulanger_1887_1979">Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979)</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/narcis_bonet">Narcís Bonet</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/paul_vidal_1863_1931">Paul Vidal (1863-1931)</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/harmonia_narcis_bonet">Harmonia (Narcís Bonet)</a></p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1996"> <p>En producció</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1996"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1996"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/ca/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1996" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Afegir"> </form> </div> <p>24.96 € IVA inclòs</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:29:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-gm3_4c-musica_3_4_primaria_guia_del_profesor"> <div class="capa_thumb" style="height:126px;background-image:url(/img/en_preparacion_thumb.jpg);"> <img src="/img/cpas/en_preparacio_full.png" style="border:0" alt="" /> </div> </a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-gm3_4c-musica_3_4_primaria_guia_del_profesor">Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_segundo_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo</a> Núm. 3</p> </div> <div class="compra"> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:26:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/cd-m3cdc-musica_3_primaria_cd"> <div class="capa_thumb" style="height:126px;background-image:url(/img/en_preparacion_thumb.jpg);"> <img src="/img/cpas/en_preparacio_full.png" style="border:0" alt="" /> </div> </a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/cd-m3cdc-musica_3_primaria_cd">Música 3 Primaria: CD</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> CD </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/jordi_lluis_rigol_monne">Jordi-Lluís Rigol Monné</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_segundo_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo</a> Núm. 3</p> </div> <div class="compra"> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:21:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-m3c-musica_3_primaria"> <div class="capa_thumb" style="height:126px;background-image:url(/img/en_preparacion_thumb.jpg);"> <img src="/img/cpas/en_preparacio_full.png" style="border:0" alt="" /> </div> </a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-m3c-musica_3_primaria">Música 3 Primaria</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/jordi_lluis_rigol_monne">Jordi-Lluís Rigol Monné</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_segundo_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo</a> Núm. 3</p> </div> <div class="compra"> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:11:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-m2c-musica_2_primaria"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-m2c-musica_2_primaria">Música 2 Primaria</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/jordi_lluis_rigol_monne">Jordi-Lluís Rigol Monné</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_primer_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo</a> Núm. 2</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1990"> <p>En producció</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1990"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1990"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/ca/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1990" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Afegir"> </form> </div> <p>15.70 € IVA inclòs</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:03:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-gm1_2c-musica_1_2_primaria_guia_del_profesor"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-gm1_2c-musica_1_2_primaria_guia_del_profesor">Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_primer_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo</a></p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1989"> <p>En producció</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1989"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1989"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/ca/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1989" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Afegir"> </form> </div> <p>9.00 € IVA inclòs</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="index"> <form name="form_letter" action="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="letter" id="letter"/> <ul> <li class="all"><a class="a_letter_all" style="color:#7A0000;" href="#">TOTS</a></li> <li class=""> <a class="a_letter cap-0_9" href="#"> 0-9 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a class="a_letter cap-A" href="#"> A </a> </li> <li class=""> <a class="a_letter cap-B" href="#"> B </a> </li> <li 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id="pagination" class="paginador"> <div class="paging"><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3"><< Primer</a> <a class="prev" href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/317">&lt;&lt; Prev</a> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/314">314</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/315">315</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/316">316</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/317">317</a></span> <span class="current">318</span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/319">319</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/320">320</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/321">321</a></span> <span><a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/322">322</a></span> <a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/319">Next &gt;&gt;</a> <a href="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/325">Últim>></a></div> </div> ", "scripts_for_layout" => "", "cakeDebug" => "", "html" => HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" 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NULL FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL FormHelper::$tags = array FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL FormHelper::$_log = NULL FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object, "text" => "Francesca Galofré Mora", "search" => SearchHelper SearchHelper::$helpers = array SearchHelper::$base = "" SearchHelper::$webroot = "/" SearchHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SearchHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SearchHelper::$params = array SearchHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SearchHelper::$plugin = NULL SearchHelper::$data = NULL SearchHelper::$namedArgs = NULL SearchHelper::$argSeparator = NULL SearchHelper::$validationErrors = NULL SearchHelper::$tags = array SearchHelper::$__tainted = NULL SearchHelper::$__cleaned = NULL SearchHelper::$_log = NULL SearchHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object SearchHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object, "javascript" => JavascriptHelper JavascriptHelper::$useNative = true JavascriptHelper::$enabled = true 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"/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" LibraryHelper::$params = array LibraryHelper::$action = "display_home_types" LibraryHelper::$plugin = NULL LibraryHelper::$data = NULL LibraryHelper::$namedArgs = NULL LibraryHelper::$argSeparator = NULL LibraryHelper::$validationErrors = NULL LibraryHelper::$tags = array LibraryHelper::$__tainted = NULL LibraryHelper::$__cleaned = NULL LibraryHelper::$_log = NULL LibraryHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object LibraryHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object, "session" => SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "337eccbd43ced36b81f70fcab2883ac8" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = "medium" SessionHelper::$time = 1716101424 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1716123424 SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = 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AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object ) $loadHelpers = false $cached = true $loadedHelpers = array() $identify = null $sesionLang = "ca" $categories = array( array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ) ) $qui_som = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "4", "order" => "36", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Qui som?", "html" => "<div> En pl&egrave; cor de la Barcelona antiga, DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, SL va ser fundada el 1988 per Francesca Galofr&eacute; Mora amb una forta vocaci&oacute; educativa i la intenci&oacute; de difondre el coneixement i la producci&oacute; musical.<br /> <br /> Avui, amb m&eacute;s de vint anys de tasca continuada, l&#39;editorial es dedica a impulsar la redacci&oacute; de llibres i materials diversos per a l&#39;ensenyament de la m&uacute;sica en tots els seus &agrave;mbits: escoles i conservatoris de m&uacute;sica, escoles d&#39;ensenyament general en els seus diferents nivells i tamb&eacute; la universitat.<br /> <br /> Disposa de col&bull;leccions de partitures d&#39;obres que van des de l&#39;instrument solista, passant pels grups i orquestres de cambra, fins a la gran orquestra simf&ograve;nica, aix&iacute; com el cor en les seves diverses formacions. Algunes d&#39;aquestes col&bull;leccions disposen d&#39;estudis cr&iacute;tics, publicats en diversos idiomes.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <ul> <li> <a href="/ca/p/presentacio">Presentaci&oacute;</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/els_objectius_de_l_empresa">Els objectius de l&#39;empresa</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/els_autors">Els autors</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/les_cooperacions">Les cooperacions</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/la_distribucio_comercial">La distribuci&oacute; comercial</a></li> <li> <a href="/ca/p/el_cataleg_de_publicacions">El cat&agrave;leg de publicacions</a></li> </ul> ", "url" => "qui_som", "published" => "1", "lft" => "5", "rght" => "26", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $que_fem = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "41", "order" => "8", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Què fem?", "html" => "<div> A DINSIC, ens dediquem principalment a redactar i publicar llibres i materials diversos per a l&#39;ensenyament de la m&uacute;sica, aix&iacute; com a editar partitures de m&uacute;sica vocal, instrumental i orquestral destinades a les corals, conjunts de cambra i orquestres.<br /> <br /> Tenim un inter&egrave;s especial en la publicaci&oacute; d&#39;obres musicals amb comentaris en diversos idiomes (catal&agrave;, castell&agrave;, basc, franc&egrave;s, occit&agrave;, portugu&egrave;s, angl&egrave;s, alemany etc.) i de llibres que parlen de la m&uacute;sica i el seu m&oacute;n.<br /> <br /> Comptem amb una secci&oacute; de m&uacute;sica tradicional i popular catalana molt important aix&iacute; com una col&middot;lecci&oacute; d&#39;obres contempor&agrave;nies per a instruments de cobla.<br /> <br /> A la nostra editorial, treballem intensament per a aprofitar les possibilitats de les aplicacions tecnol&ograve;giques que les TIC (noves tecnologies de la informaci&oacute; i la comunicaci&oacute;) ofereixen al nostre camp.<br /> <br /> El nostre web exposa el cat&agrave;leg de publicacions, disponibles en tota mena de suports (paper, CD etc.), o b&eacute; directament en l&iacute;nia. Disposa tamb&eacute; d&#39;una botiga i un entorn virtuals per a usuaris registrats, als que oferim serveis complementaris d&#39;informaci&oacute; i de suport, aix&iacute; com un programa d&#39;afiliaci&oacute; que els permet gaudir de descomptes especials, a m&eacute;s a m&eacute;s dels descomptes generats per les ofertes peri&ograve;diques.</div> ", "url" => "que_fem", "published" => "1", "lft" => "71", "rght" => "72", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $listcolleccions = array( array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listformacions = array( array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listinstruments = array( array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $paypal = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "42", "order" => "9", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Ja pots pagar amb PayPal", "html" => "<div> DINSIC Publicacions Musicals es complau en anunciar que ja s&rsquo;accepta PayPal com a forma de pagament on line, m&eacute;s a m&eacute;s de Visa, Mastercard, i altres targetes de cr&egrave;dit o d&rsquo;altres formes tradicionals de pagament com el reemborsament postal o d&rsquo; ag&egrave;ncia de transports. <br /> <br /> Per si no coneixes PayPal, aquest sistema &eacute;s una de les maneres m&eacute;s eficaces de fer cobraments i pagaments internacionals, i no cal dir, tamb&eacute; a dintre el pa&iacute;s.<br /> <br /> De la mateixa manera que el pagament on-line amb targeta de cr&egrave;dit, &eacute;s un sistema totalment segur en el comer&ccedil; venedor, en cap cas, t&eacute; acc&eacute;s a les teves dades banc&agrave;ries.<br /> <br /> Vincula la teva targeta de cr&egrave;dit o d&egrave;bit a PayPal i decideix amb ells la teva forma preferida de pagament.</div> ", "url" => "ja_pots_pagar_amb_paypal", "published" => "1", "lft" => "73", "rght" => "74", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $perfils_lateral = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $cloud = " &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:flauta" class="word size2">flauta</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:corda" class="word size3">corda</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:els músics més petits" class="word size8">els músics més petits</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:partitura" class="word size6">partitura</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:piano" class="word size4">piano</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc" class="word size3">El timbaler del Bruc</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:somnis" class="word size4">somnis</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cançó" class="word size6">cançó</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten" class="word size9">abesten</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument" class="word size7">orquestra i cada instrument</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta" class="word size8">Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles" class="word size6">acompañamiento de canciones infantiles</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:soliloquis" class="word size1">soliloquis</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar" class="word size7">tot ho podem expressar</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3" class="word size9">Quartet de corda núm. 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Catala" class="word size1">Catala</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:musica 2" class="word size5">musica 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla" class="word size9">cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda" class="word size4">Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22" class="word size9">Da Camera 22</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 4" class="word size7">abesten 4</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:cançoner" class="word size7">cançoner</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal" class="word size7">Sonatina de Nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit" class="word size8">Palau insòlit</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:nadal" class="word size5">nadal</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Musica" class="word size1">Musica</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 2" class="word size1">abesten 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:abesten 3" class="word size6">abesten 3</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:passeport" class="word size8">passeport</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes" class="word size8">Carnestoltes</a> &nbsp;" $descompte = 0.05 $options_third_level = array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ) $options_instruments_level = array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ) $pages = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $total_basket = 0 $total_basket_count = 0 $admin = false $selected_controller = "publicacions" $browser = array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ) $selectedtab = false $letter_action_url = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" $text_section = "" $breadcrumb = array( array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" ) ) $letterVector = array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ) $letter_selected = "" $lastlink = 325 $keywords = "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre" $list = array( array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ) ) $vectorUrls = array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ) $title_for_layout = "Publicacions" $content_for_layout = " <style type="text/css"> .filtre img { margin-left: 10px; } .filtre{ overflow:visible; } </style> <div class="filtre"> <div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div class="llista"> <div class="element"> 2006-07-13 16:31:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/escoles_de_musica_i_conservatoris-grau_elemental/card/partitura-ar1-arietta_1"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/escoles_de_musica_i_conservatoris-grau_elemental/card/partitura-ar1-arietta_1">Arietta 1</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Partitura </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/m_dolors_bonal">M.Dolors Bonal</a></p> <pre class="cake-debug"> <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeStackTrace6").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeStackTrace6").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'><b>Notice</b> (8)</a>: Undefined index: visible_instrumentacio [<b>APP/views/categories/display.ctp</b>, line <b>394</b>] </pre> <div id="CakeStackTrace6" class="cake-stack-trace" style="display: none;"><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode6").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode6").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Code</a> | <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext6").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext6").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Context</a><pre id="CakeErrorContext6" class="cake-context" style="display: none;">$___viewFn = "/var/www/test-dinsic/trunk/app/views/categories/display.ctp" $___dataForView = array( "identify" => null, "sesionLang" => "ca", "categories" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "qui_som" => array( "Page" => array() ), "que_fem" => array( "Page" => array() ), "listcolleccions" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "listformacions" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "listinstruments" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "paypal" => array( "Page" => array() ), "perfils_lateral" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cloud" => " &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:flauta&quot; class=&quot;word size2&quot;&gt;flauta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:corda&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; 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&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:soliloquis&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;soliloquis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;tot ho podem expressar&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Quartet de corda núm. 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Catala&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Catala&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:musica 2&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;musica 2&lt;/a&gt; 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&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Musica&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Musica&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 2&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;abesten 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 3&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;abesten 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:passeport&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;passeport&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Carnestoltes&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp;", "descompte" => 0.05, "options_third_level" => array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ), "options_instruments_level" => array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ), "pages" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "total_basket" => 0, "total_basket_count" => 0, "admin" => false, "selected_controller" => "publicacions", "browser" => array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ), "selectedtab" => false, "letter_action_url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3", "text_section" => "", "breadcrumb" => array( array() ), "letterVector" => array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ), "letter_selected" => "", "lastlink" => 325, "keywords" => "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre", "list" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "vectorUrls" => array( "ca_es" => "/format/", 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RssHelper::$model = NULL RssHelper::$field = NULL RssHelper::$version = "2.0" RssHelper::$encoding = "UTF-8" RssHelper::$webroot = "/" RssHelper::$themeWeb = NULL RssHelper::$plugin = NULL RssHelper::$namedArgs = NULL RssHelper::$argSeparator = NULL RssHelper::$validationErrors = NULL RssHelper::$tags = array RssHelper::$__tainted = NULL RssHelper::$__cleaned = NULL RssHelper::$_log = NULL RssHelper::$Xml = Xml object RssHelper::$Time = TimeHelper object, "Time" => TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "display_home_types" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL, "Library" => LibraryHelper LibraryHelper::$helpers = array LibraryHelper::$base = "" LibraryHelper::$webroot = "/" LibraryHelper::$themeWeb = NULL LibraryHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" LibraryHelper::$params = array LibraryHelper::$action = "display_home_types" LibraryHelper::$plugin = NULL LibraryHelper::$data = NULL LibraryHelper::$namedArgs = NULL LibraryHelper::$argSeparator = NULL LibraryHelper::$validationErrors = NULL LibraryHelper::$tags = array LibraryHelper::$__tainted = NULL LibraryHelper::$__cleaned = NULL LibraryHelper::$_log = NULL LibraryHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object LibraryHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object, "Session" => SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "337eccbd43ced36b81f70fcab2883ac8" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = "medium" SessionHelper::$time = 1716101424 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1716123424 SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = 604800 SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL, "Paginator" => PaginatorHelper PaginatorHelper::$helpers = array PaginatorHelper::$__defaultModel = NULL PaginatorHelper::$options = array PaginatorHelper::$base = "" PaginatorHelper::$webroot = "/" PaginatorHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PaginatorHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" PaginatorHelper::$params = array PaginatorHelper::$action = "display_home_types" PaginatorHelper::$plugin = NULL PaginatorHelper::$data = NULL PaginatorHelper::$namedArgs = NULL 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NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object ) $helper = "Ajax" $camelBackedHelper = "ajax" $html = HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "display_home_types" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL $form = FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array FormHelper::$fields = array FormHelper::$requestType = NULL FormHelper::$base = "" FormHelper::$webroot = "/" FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL FormHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" FormHelper::$params = array FormHelper::$action = "display_home_types" FormHelper::$plugin = NULL FormHelper::$data = NULL FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL FormHelper::$tags = array FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL FormHelper::$_log = NULL FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object $text = "M.Dolors Bonal " $search = SearchHelper SearchHelper::$helpers = array SearchHelper::$base = "" SearchHelper::$webroot = "/" SearchHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SearchHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SearchHelper::$params = array SearchHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SearchHelper::$plugin = NULL SearchHelper::$data = NULL SearchHelper::$namedArgs = NULL SearchHelper::$argSeparator = NULL SearchHelper::$validationErrors = NULL SearchHelper::$tags = array SearchHelper::$__tainted = NULL SearchHelper::$__cleaned = NULL SearchHelper::$_log = NULL SearchHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object SearchHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $javascript = JavascriptHelper JavascriptHelper::$useNative = true JavascriptHelper::$enabled = true JavascriptHelper::$safe = false JavascriptHelper::$tags = array JavascriptHelper::$_blockOptions = array JavascriptHelper::$_cachedEvents = array JavascriptHelper::$_cacheEvents = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheToFile = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheAll = false JavascriptHelper::$_rules = array JavascriptHelper::$__scriptBuffer = NULL JavascriptHelper::$helpers = NULL JavascriptHelper::$base = "" JavascriptHelper::$webroot = "/" JavascriptHelper::$themeWeb = NULL JavascriptHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" JavascriptHelper::$params = array JavascriptHelper::$action = "display_home_types" JavascriptHelper::$plugin = NULL JavascriptHelper::$data = NULL JavascriptHelper::$namedArgs = NULL JavascriptHelper::$argSeparator = NULL JavascriptHelper::$validationErrors = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__tainted = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__cleaned = NULL JavascriptHelper::$_log = NULL $adminmenu = AdminmenuHelper AdminmenuHelper::$helpers = array AdminmenuHelper::$base = "" AdminmenuHelper::$webroot = "/" AdminmenuHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" AdminmenuHelper::$params = array AdminmenuHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AdminmenuHelper::$plugin = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$data = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$tags = array AdminmenuHelper::$__tainted = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$_log = NULL AdminmenuHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AdminmenuHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $rss = RssHelper RssHelper::$helpers = array RssHelper::$base = "" RssHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" RssHelper::$params = array RssHelper::$action = "display_home_types" RssHelper::$data = NULL RssHelper::$model = NULL RssHelper::$field = NULL RssHelper::$version = "2.0" RssHelper::$encoding = "UTF-8" RssHelper::$webroot = "/" RssHelper::$themeWeb = NULL RssHelper::$plugin = NULL RssHelper::$namedArgs = NULL RssHelper::$argSeparator = NULL RssHelper::$validationErrors = NULL RssHelper::$tags = array RssHelper::$__tainted = NULL RssHelper::$__cleaned = NULL RssHelper::$_log = NULL RssHelper::$Xml = Xml object RssHelper::$Time = TimeHelper object $time = TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "display_home_types" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL $library = LibraryHelper LibraryHelper::$helpers = array LibraryHelper::$base = "" LibraryHelper::$webroot = "/" LibraryHelper::$themeWeb = NULL LibraryHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" LibraryHelper::$params = array LibraryHelper::$action = "display_home_types" LibraryHelper::$plugin = NULL LibraryHelper::$data = NULL LibraryHelper::$namedArgs = NULL LibraryHelper::$argSeparator = NULL LibraryHelper::$validationErrors = NULL LibraryHelper::$tags = array LibraryHelper::$__tainted = NULL LibraryHelper::$__cleaned = NULL LibraryHelper::$_log = NULL LibraryHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object LibraryHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $session = SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "337eccbd43ced36b81f70fcab2883ac8" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = "medium" SessionHelper::$time = 1716101424 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1716123424 SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = 604800 SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL $paginator = PaginatorHelper PaginatorHelper::$helpers = array PaginatorHelper::$__defaultModel = NULL PaginatorHelper::$options = array PaginatorHelper::$base = "" PaginatorHelper::$webroot = "/" PaginatorHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PaginatorHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" PaginatorHelper::$params = array PaginatorHelper::$action = "display_home_types" PaginatorHelper::$plugin = NULL PaginatorHelper::$data = NULL PaginatorHelper::$namedArgs = NULL PaginatorHelper::$argSeparator = NULL PaginatorHelper::$validationErrors = NULL PaginatorHelper::$tags = array PaginatorHelper::$__tainted = NULL PaginatorHelper::$__cleaned = NULL PaginatorHelper::$_log = NULL PaginatorHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object PaginatorHelper::$Ajax = AjaxHelper object $ajax = AjaxHelper AjaxHelper::$helpers = array AjaxHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AjaxHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object AjaxHelper::$callbacks = array AjaxHelper::$ajaxOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dragOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dropOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sortOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sliderOptions = array AjaxHelper::$editorOptions = array AjaxHelper::$autoCompleteOptions = array AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array AjaxHelper::$base = "" AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/" AjaxHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AjaxHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" AjaxHelper::$params = array AjaxHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL AjaxHelper::$data = NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object $identify = null $sesionLang = "ca" $categories = array( array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ) ) $qui_som = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "4", "order" => "36", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Qui som?", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; En pl&amp;egrave; cor de la Barcelona antiga, DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, SL va ser fundada el 1988 per Francesca Galofr&amp;eacute; Mora amb una forta vocaci&amp;oacute; educativa i la intenci&amp;oacute; de difondre el coneixement i la producci&amp;oacute; musical.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Avui, amb m&amp;eacute;s de vint anys de tasca continuada, l&amp;#39;editorial es dedica a impulsar la redacci&amp;oacute; de llibres i materials diversos per a l&amp;#39;ensenyament de la m&amp;uacute;sica en tots els seus &amp;agrave;mbits: escoles i conservatoris de m&amp;uacute;sica, escoles d&amp;#39;ensenyament general en els seus diferents nivells i tamb&amp;eacute; la universitat.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Disposa de col&amp;bull;leccions de partitures d&amp;#39;obres que van des de l&amp;#39;instrument solista, passant pels grups i orquestres de cambra, fins a la gran orquestra simf&amp;ograve;nica, aix&amp;iacute; com el cor en les seves diverses formacions. Algunes d&amp;#39;aquestes col&amp;bull;leccions disposen d&amp;#39;estudis cr&amp;iacute;tics, publicats en diversos idiomes.&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt; &amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/presentacio&quot;&gt;Presentaci&amp;oacute;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/els_objectius_de_l_empresa&quot;&gt;Els objectius de l&amp;#39;empresa&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/els_autors&quot;&gt;Els autors&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/les_cooperacions&quot;&gt;Les cooperacions&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/la_distribucio_comercial&quot;&gt;La distribuci&amp;oacute; comercial&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/el_cataleg_de_publicacions&quot;&gt;El cat&amp;agrave;leg de publicacions&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; ", "url" => "qui_som", "published" => "1", "lft" => "5", "rght" => "26", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $que_fem = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "41", "order" => "8", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Què fem?", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; A DINSIC, ens dediquem principalment a redactar i publicar llibres i materials diversos per a l&amp;#39;ensenyament de la m&amp;uacute;sica, aix&amp;iacute; com a editar partitures de m&amp;uacute;sica vocal, instrumental i orquestral destinades a les corals, conjunts de cambra i orquestres.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Tenim un inter&amp;egrave;s especial en la publicaci&amp;oacute; d&amp;#39;obres musicals amb comentaris en diversos idiomes (catal&amp;agrave;, castell&amp;agrave;, basc, franc&amp;egrave;s, occit&amp;agrave;, portugu&amp;egrave;s, angl&amp;egrave;s, alemany etc.) i de llibres que parlen de la m&amp;uacute;sica i el seu m&amp;oacute;n.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Comptem amb una secci&amp;oacute; de m&amp;uacute;sica tradicional i popular catalana molt important aix&amp;iacute; com una col&amp;middot;lecci&amp;oacute; d&amp;#39;obres contempor&amp;agrave;nies per a instruments de cobla.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; A la nostra editorial, treballem intensament per a aprofitar les possibilitats de les aplicacions tecnol&amp;ograve;giques que les TIC (noves tecnologies de la informaci&amp;oacute; i la comunicaci&amp;oacute;) ofereixen al nostre camp.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; El nostre web exposa el cat&amp;agrave;leg de publicacions, disponibles en tota mena de suports (paper, CD etc.), o b&amp;eacute; directament en l&amp;iacute;nia. Disposa tamb&amp;eacute; d&amp;#39;una botiga i un entorn virtuals per a usuaris registrats, als que oferim serveis complementaris d&amp;#39;informaci&amp;oacute; i de suport, aix&amp;iacute; com un programa d&amp;#39;afiliaci&amp;oacute; que els permet gaudir de descomptes especials, a m&amp;eacute;s a m&amp;eacute;s dels descomptes generats per les ofertes peri&amp;ograve;diques.&lt;/div&gt; ", "url" => "que_fem", "published" => "1", "lft" => "71", "rght" => "72", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $listcolleccions = array( array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listformacions = array( array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listinstruments = array( array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $paypal = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "42", "order" => "9", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Ja pots pagar amb PayPal", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; DINSIC Publicacions Musicals es complau en anunciar que ja s&amp;rsquo;accepta PayPal com a forma de pagament on line, m&amp;eacute;s a m&amp;eacute;s de Visa, Mastercard, i altres targetes de cr&amp;egrave;dit o d&amp;rsquo;altres formes tradicionals de pagament com el reemborsament postal o d&amp;rsquo; ag&amp;egrave;ncia de transports. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Per si no coneixes PayPal, aquest sistema &amp;eacute;s una de les maneres m&amp;eacute;s eficaces de fer cobraments i pagaments internacionals, i no cal dir, tamb&amp;eacute; a dintre el pa&amp;iacute;s.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; De la mateixa manera que el pagament on-line amb targeta de cr&amp;egrave;dit, &amp;eacute;s un sistema totalment segur en el comer&amp;ccedil; venedor, en cap cas, t&amp;eacute; acc&amp;eacute;s a les teves dades banc&amp;agrave;ries.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Vincula la teva targeta de cr&amp;egrave;dit o d&amp;egrave;bit a PayPal i decideix amb ells la teva forma preferida de pagament.&lt;/div&gt; ", "url" => "ja_pots_pagar_amb_paypal", "published" => "1", "lft" => "73", "rght" => "74", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $perfils_lateral = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $cloud = " &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:flauta&quot; class=&quot;word size2&quot;&gt;flauta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:corda&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:els músics més petits&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;els músics més petits&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:partitura&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;partitura&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:piano&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;piano&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;El timbaler del Bruc&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:somnis&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;somnis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançó&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;cançó&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;abesten&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;orquestra i cada instrument&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:soliloquis&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;soliloquis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;tot ho podem expressar&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Quartet de corda núm. 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Catala&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Catala&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:musica 2&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;musica 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 4&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;abesten 4&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançoner&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;cançoner&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;Sonatina de Nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Palau insòlit&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Musica&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Musica&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 2&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;abesten 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 3&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;abesten 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:passeport&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;passeport&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Carnestoltes&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp;" $descompte = 0.05 $options_third_level = array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ) $options_instruments_level = array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ) $pages = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $total_basket = 0 $total_basket_count = 0 $admin = false $selected_controller = "publicacions" $browser = array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ) $selectedtab = false $letter_action_url = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" $text_section = "" $breadcrumb = array( array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" ) ) $letterVector = array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ) $letter_selected = "" $lastlink = 325 $keywords = "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre" $list = array( array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ) ) $vectorUrls = array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ) $length = 0 $i = 1 $publicacion = array( "Publicacion" => array( "id" => "1997", "format" => "Partitura", "preu" => "6.25", "created" => "2006-07-13 16:31:00", "novetat" => "0", "en_preparacio" => "0", "recomanat" => "0", "exhaurit" => "0", "oferta" => "0", "locale" => "ca_es", "titol" => "Arietta 1", "url" => "partitura-ar1-arietta_1", "intro" => "", "path" => "escoles_de_musica_i_conservatoris-grau_elemental" ), "Archivesrelation" => array( array(), array() ), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array( array(), array() ), "Category" => array( array(), array() ), "Colleccion" => array( array() ), "Editor" => array( array() ), "Enquadernacion" => array( array() ), "Formacion" => array( array(), array() ), "Idioma" => array( array() ), "Instrument" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "Mida" => array( array() ), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array( array(), array() ), "Rsspost" => array() ) $selected_image = "2407" $pub = array( "id" => "1832", "model" => "Publicacion", "foreign_id" => "1997", "order" => "0", "file_id" => "2407", "archivestypes_id" => "2" ) $urlimage = "" $urlimagesize = "/var/www/dinsic/root/app/webroot/img/cache/63a9bde04dd1d643fac825cae7bbdbbb-2407-100.jpg" $imgsize = array( 100, 67, 2, "width=&quot;100&quot; 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"" : "none")'><b>Notice</b> (8)</a>: Undefined index: visible_formacions [<b>APP/views/categories/display.ctp</b>, line <b>406</b>] </pre> <div id="CakeStackTrace7" class="cake-stack-trace" style="display: none;"><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode7").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorCode7").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Code</a> | <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext7").style.display = (document.getElementById("CakeErrorContext7").style.display == "none" ? "" : "none")'>Context</a><pre id="CakeErrorContext7" class="cake-context" style="display: none;">$___viewFn = "/var/www/test-dinsic/trunk/app/views/categories/display.ctp" $___dataForView = array( "identify" => null, "sesionLang" => "ca", "categories" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "qui_som" => array( "Page" => array() ), "que_fem" => array( "Page" => array() ), "listcolleccions" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "listformacions" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "listinstruments" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "paypal" => array( "Page" => array() ), "perfils_lateral" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "cloud" => " &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:flauta&quot; class=&quot;word size2&quot;&gt;flauta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:corda&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:els músics més petits&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;els músics més petits&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:partitura&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;partitura&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:piano&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;piano&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;El timbaler del Bruc&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:somnis&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;somnis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançó&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;cançó&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;abesten&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;orquestra i cada instrument&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:soliloquis&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;soliloquis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;tot ho podem expressar&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Quartet de corda núm. 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Catala&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Catala&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:musica 2&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;musica 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 4&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;abesten 4&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançoner&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;cançoner&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;Sonatina de Nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Palau insòlit&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Musica&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Musica&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 2&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;abesten 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 3&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;abesten 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:passeport&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;passeport&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Carnestoltes&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp;", "descompte" => 0.05, "options_third_level" => array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ), "options_instruments_level" => array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ), "pages" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "total_basket" => 0, "total_basket_count" => 0, "admin" => false, "selected_controller" => "publicacions", "browser" => array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ), "selectedtab" => false, "letter_action_url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3", "text_section" => "", "breadcrumb" => array( array() ), "letterVector" => array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ), "letter_selected" => "", "lastlink" => 325, "keywords" => "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre", "list" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "vectorUrls" => array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ) ) $loadHelpers = true $cached = false $loadedHelpers = array( "Html" => HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "display_home_types" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL, "Form" => FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array FormHelper::$fields = array FormHelper::$requestType = NULL FormHelper::$base = "" FormHelper::$webroot = "/" FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL FormHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" 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array RssHelper::$base = "" RssHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" RssHelper::$params = array RssHelper::$action = "display_home_types" RssHelper::$data = NULL RssHelper::$model = NULL RssHelper::$field = NULL RssHelper::$version = "2.0" RssHelper::$encoding = "UTF-8" RssHelper::$webroot = "/" RssHelper::$themeWeb = NULL RssHelper::$plugin = NULL RssHelper::$namedArgs = NULL RssHelper::$argSeparator = NULL RssHelper::$validationErrors = NULL RssHelper::$tags = array RssHelper::$__tainted = NULL RssHelper::$__cleaned = NULL RssHelper::$_log = NULL RssHelper::$Xml = Xml object RssHelper::$Time = TimeHelper object $time = TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "display_home_types" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL $library = LibraryHelper LibraryHelper::$helpers = array LibraryHelper::$base = "" LibraryHelper::$webroot = "/" LibraryHelper::$themeWeb = NULL LibraryHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" LibraryHelper::$params = array LibraryHelper::$action = "display_home_types" LibraryHelper::$plugin = NULL LibraryHelper::$data = NULL LibraryHelper::$namedArgs = NULL LibraryHelper::$argSeparator = NULL LibraryHelper::$validationErrors = NULL LibraryHelper::$tags = array LibraryHelper::$__tainted = NULL LibraryHelper::$__cleaned = NULL LibraryHelper::$_log = NULL LibraryHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object LibraryHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object $session = SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "337eccbd43ced36b81f70fcab2883ac8" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = "medium" SessionHelper::$time = 1716101424 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1716123424 SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_started = false SessionHelper::$host = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = 604800 SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "display_home_types" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL $paginator = PaginatorHelper PaginatorHelper::$helpers = array PaginatorHelper::$__defaultModel = NULL PaginatorHelper::$options = array PaginatorHelper::$base = "" PaginatorHelper::$webroot = "/" PaginatorHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PaginatorHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" PaginatorHelper::$params = array PaginatorHelper::$action = "display_home_types" PaginatorHelper::$plugin = NULL PaginatorHelper::$data = NULL PaginatorHelper::$namedArgs = NULL PaginatorHelper::$argSeparator = NULL PaginatorHelper::$validationErrors = NULL PaginatorHelper::$tags = array PaginatorHelper::$__tainted = NULL PaginatorHelper::$__cleaned = NULL PaginatorHelper::$_log = NULL PaginatorHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object PaginatorHelper::$Ajax = AjaxHelper object $ajax = AjaxHelper AjaxHelper::$helpers = array AjaxHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AjaxHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object AjaxHelper::$callbacks = array AjaxHelper::$ajaxOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dragOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dropOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sortOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sliderOptions = array AjaxHelper::$editorOptions = array AjaxHelper::$autoCompleteOptions = array AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array AjaxHelper::$base = "" AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/" AjaxHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AjaxHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" AjaxHelper::$params = array AjaxHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL AjaxHelper::$data = NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object $identify = null $sesionLang = "ca" $categories = array( array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ), array( "Category" => array(), "Categories" => array() ) ) $qui_som = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "4", "order" => "36", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Qui som?", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; En pl&amp;egrave; cor de la Barcelona antiga, DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, SL va ser fundada el 1988 per Francesca Galofr&amp;eacute; Mora amb una forta vocaci&amp;oacute; educativa i la intenci&amp;oacute; de difondre el coneixement i la producci&amp;oacute; musical.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Avui, amb m&amp;eacute;s de vint anys de tasca continuada, l&amp;#39;editorial es dedica a impulsar la redacci&amp;oacute; de llibres i materials diversos per a l&amp;#39;ensenyament de la m&amp;uacute;sica en tots els seus &amp;agrave;mbits: escoles i conservatoris de m&amp;uacute;sica, escoles d&amp;#39;ensenyament general en els seus diferents nivells i tamb&amp;eacute; la universitat.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Disposa de col&amp;bull;leccions de partitures d&amp;#39;obres que van des de l&amp;#39;instrument solista, passant pels grups i orquestres de cambra, fins a la gran orquestra simf&amp;ograve;nica, aix&amp;iacute; com el cor en les seves diverses formacions. Algunes d&amp;#39;aquestes col&amp;bull;leccions disposen d&amp;#39;estudis cr&amp;iacute;tics, publicats en diversos idiomes.&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt; &amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/presentacio&quot;&gt;Presentaci&amp;oacute;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/els_objectius_de_l_empresa&quot;&gt;Els objectius de l&amp;#39;empresa&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/els_autors&quot;&gt;Els autors&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/les_cooperacions&quot;&gt;Les cooperacions&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/la_distribucio_comercial&quot;&gt;La distribuci&amp;oacute; comercial&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;/ca/p/el_cataleg_de_publicacions&quot;&gt;El cat&amp;agrave;leg de publicacions&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; ", "url" => "qui_som", "published" => "1", "lft" => "5", "rght" => "26", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $que_fem = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "41", "order" => "8", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Què fem?", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; A DINSIC, ens dediquem principalment a redactar i publicar llibres i materials diversos per a l&amp;#39;ensenyament de la m&amp;uacute;sica, aix&amp;iacute; com a editar partitures de m&amp;uacute;sica vocal, instrumental i orquestral destinades a les corals, conjunts de cambra i orquestres.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Tenim un inter&amp;egrave;s especial en la publicaci&amp;oacute; d&amp;#39;obres musicals amb comentaris en diversos idiomes (catal&amp;agrave;, castell&amp;agrave;, basc, franc&amp;egrave;s, occit&amp;agrave;, portugu&amp;egrave;s, angl&amp;egrave;s, alemany etc.) i de llibres que parlen de la m&amp;uacute;sica i el seu m&amp;oacute;n.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Comptem amb una secci&amp;oacute; de m&amp;uacute;sica tradicional i popular catalana molt important aix&amp;iacute; com una col&amp;middot;lecci&amp;oacute; d&amp;#39;obres contempor&amp;agrave;nies per a instruments de cobla.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; A la nostra editorial, treballem intensament per a aprofitar les possibilitats de les aplicacions tecnol&amp;ograve;giques que les TIC (noves tecnologies de la informaci&amp;oacute; i la comunicaci&amp;oacute;) ofereixen al nostre camp.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; El nostre web exposa el cat&amp;agrave;leg de publicacions, disponibles en tota mena de suports (paper, CD etc.), o b&amp;eacute; directament en l&amp;iacute;nia. Disposa tamb&amp;eacute; d&amp;#39;una botiga i un entorn virtuals per a usuaris registrats, als que oferim serveis complementaris d&amp;#39;informaci&amp;oacute; i de suport, aix&amp;iacute; com un programa d&amp;#39;afiliaci&amp;oacute; que els permet gaudir de descomptes especials, a m&amp;eacute;s a m&amp;eacute;s dels descomptes generats per les ofertes peri&amp;ograve;diques.&lt;/div&gt; ", "url" => "que_fem", "published" => "1", "lft" => "71", "rght" => "72", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $listcolleccions = array( array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catcolleccion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listformacions = array( array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catformacion" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $listinstruments = array( array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ), array( "Catinstrument" => array(), "children" => array() ) ) $paypal = array( "Page" => array( "id" => "42", "order" => "9", "parent_id" => null, "name" => "Ja pots pagar amb PayPal", "html" => "&lt;div&gt; DINSIC Publicacions Musicals es complau en anunciar que ja s&amp;rsquo;accepta PayPal com a forma de pagament on line, m&amp;eacute;s a m&amp;eacute;s de Visa, Mastercard, i altres targetes de cr&amp;egrave;dit o d&amp;rsquo;altres formes tradicionals de pagament com el reemborsament postal o d&amp;rsquo; ag&amp;egrave;ncia de transports. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Per si no coneixes PayPal, aquest sistema &amp;eacute;s una de les maneres m&amp;eacute;s eficaces de fer cobraments i pagaments internacionals, i no cal dir, tamb&amp;eacute; a dintre el pa&amp;iacute;s.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; De la mateixa manera que el pagament on-line amb targeta de cr&amp;egrave;dit, &amp;eacute;s un sistema totalment segur en el comer&amp;ccedil; venedor, en cap cas, t&amp;eacute; acc&amp;eacute;s a les teves dades banc&amp;agrave;ries.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Vincula la teva targeta de cr&amp;egrave;dit o d&amp;egrave;bit a PayPal i decideix amb ells la teva forma preferida de pagament.&lt;/div&gt; ", "url" => "ja_pots_pagar_amb_paypal", "published" => "1", "lft" => "73", "rght" => "74", "locale" => "ca_es" ) ) $perfils_lateral = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $cloud = " &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:flauta&quot; class=&quot;word size2&quot;&gt;flauta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:corda&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:els músics més petits&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;els músics més petits&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:partitura&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;partitura&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:piano&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;piano&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:El timbaler del Bruc&quot; class=&quot;word size3&quot;&gt;El timbaler del Bruc&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:somnis&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;somnis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançó&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;cançó&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;abesten&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:orquestra i cada instrument&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;orquestra i cada instrument&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Literatura e interpretación de la trompeta&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;acompañamiento de canciones infantiles&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:soliloquis&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;soliloquis&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:tot ho podem expressar&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;tot ho podem expressar&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Quartet de corda núm. 3&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Quartet de corda núm. 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Catala&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Catala&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:musica 2&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;musica 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;cantata nadalenca nit de vetlla&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&quot; class=&quot;word size4&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22: Tres danses americanes per a quartet de corda&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Da Camera 22&quot; class=&quot;word size9&quot;&gt;Da Camera 22&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 4&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;abesten 4&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:cançoner&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;cançoner&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Sonatina de Nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size7&quot;&gt;Sonatina de Nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Palau insòlit&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Palau insòlit&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:nadal&quot; class=&quot;word size5&quot;&gt;nadal&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Musica&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;Musica&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 2&quot; class=&quot;word size1&quot;&gt;abesten 2&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:abesten 3&quot; class=&quot;word size6&quot;&gt;abesten 3&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:passeport&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;passeport&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &lt;a href=&quot;/searches/index/q:Carnestoltes&quot; class=&quot;word size8&quot;&gt;Carnestoltes&lt;/a&gt; &amp;nbsp;" $descompte = 0.05 $options_third_level = array( "Tots els tipus", "musica_orquestral" => "Música orquestral ", "musica_vocal_i_coral" => "Música vocal i coral", "musica_instrumental" => "Música instrumental " ) $options_instruments_level = array( "Tots els Instruments", "bisell" => "Bisell", "broquet" => "Broquet", "canya_senzilla" => "Canya senzilla", "corda_fregada" => "Corda fregada", "corda_fregada_violins" => "Corda fregada: violins", "corda_pincada_diversos" => "Corda pinçada: diversos", "corda_pincada_guitarres" => "Corda pinçada: guitarres", "corda_pincada_ukulele" => "Corda pinçada: ukulele", "doble_canya" => "Doble canya", "instruments_de_percussio_orff" => "Instruments de percussió Orff", "instruments_de_vent_a_determinar" => "Instruments de vent a determinar", "percussio_de_so_determinat" => "Percussió de so determinat", "percussio_de_so_indeterminat" => "Percussió de so indeterminat", "percussio_no_especificada" => "Percussió no especificada", "tecla_corda_fregada" => "Tecla / Corda fregada", "tecla_corda_percudida" => "Tecla / Corda percudida", "tecla_corda_pincada" => "Tecla / Corda pinçada", "tecla_vent" => "Tecla / Vent", "teclat_electronic" => "Teclat electrònic" ) $pages = array( array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ), array( "Page" => array() ) ) $total_basket = 0 $total_basket_count = 0 $admin = false $selected_controller = "publicacions" $browser = array( "browsertype" => null, "version" => "", "platform" => null, "AOL" => false ) $selectedtab = false $letter_action_url = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" $text_section = "" $breadcrumb = array( array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" ) ) $letterVector = array( "0_9" => 31, "A" => 105, "B" => 61, "C" => 233, "D" => 177, "E" => 379, "F" => 53, "G" => 10, "H" => 59, "I" => 39, "J" => 31, "K" => 7, "L" => 215, "M" => 167, "N" => 31, "O" => 26, "P" => 143, "Q" => 55, "R" => 46, "S" => 161, "T" => 129, "U" => 15, "V" => 37, "W" => 3, "X" => 4, "Y" => 3, "Z" => 2 ) $letter_selected = "" $lastlink = 325 $keywords = "Arietta 1, Arietta, Fina, Rifà, M.Dolors, Bonal, I. Recueil de basses et chants donnés, Harmonia (Narcís Bonet), Dominique, Merlet, Donna, Doyle, Hélène, Giraudier, Nadia, Boulanger, Narcís, Bonet, Paul, Vidal, Philip, Lasser, Philip, Lasser, Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farreny, Música 3 Primaria: CD, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 3 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Lluís, Farré, Lluís, Farré, Música 2 Primaria, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor, Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo, Francesc, Salvà, Francesca, Galofré, Jordi-Lluís, Rigol, Llibre" $list = array( array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ), array( "Publicacion" => array(), "Archivesrelation" => array(), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array(), "Category" => array(), "Colleccion" => array(), "Editor" => array(), "Enquadernacion" => array(), "Formacion" => array(), "Idioma" => array(), "Instrument" => array(), "Mida" => array(), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array(), "Rsspost" => array() ) ) $vectorUrls = array( "ca_es" => "/format/", "es_es" => "/format/", "en_gb" => "/format/" ) $length = 0 $i = 1 $publicacion = array( "Publicacion" => array( "id" => "1997", "format" => "Partitura", "preu" => "6.25", "created" => "2006-07-13 16:31:00", "novetat" => "0", "en_preparacio" => "0", "recomanat" => "0", "exhaurit" => "0", "oferta" => "0", "locale" => "ca_es", "titol" => "Arietta 1", "url" => "partitura-ar1-arietta_1", "intro" => "", "path" => "escoles_de_musica_i_conservatoris-grau_elemental" ), "Archivesrelation" => array( array(), array() ), "Rating" => array(), "Comment" => array(), "Autor" => array( array(), array() ), "Category" => array( array(), array() ), "Colleccion" => array( array() ), "Editor" => array( array() ), "Enquadernacion" => array( array() ), "Formacion" => array( array(), array() ), "Idioma" => array( array() ), "Instrument" => array( array(), array(), array() ), "Mida" => array( array() ), "Retractilat" => array(), "Newsletter" => array( array(), array() ), "Rsspost" => array() ) $selected_image = "2407" $pub = array( "id" => "1832", "model" => "Publicacion", "foreign_id" => "1997", "order" => "0", "file_id" => "2407", "archivestypes_id" => "2" ) $urlimage = "" $urlimagesize = "/var/www/dinsic/root/app/webroot/img/cache/63a9bde04dd1d643fac825cae7bbdbbb-2407-100.jpg" $imgsize = array( 100, 67, 2, "width=&quot;100&quot; 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Recueil de basses et chants donnés</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/nadia_boulanger_1887_1979">Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979)</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/narcis_bonet">Narcís Bonet</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/paul_vidal_1863_1931">Paul Vidal (1863-1931)</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/harmonia_narcis_bonet">Harmonia (Narcís Bonet)</a></p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1996"> <p>En producció</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1996"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1996"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/ca/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1996" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Afegir"> </form> </div> <p>24.96 € IVA inclòs</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:29:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-gm3_4c-musica_3_4_primaria_guia_del_profesor"> <div class="capa_thumb" style="height:126px;background-image:url(/img/en_preparacion_thumb.jpg);"> <img src="/img/cpas/en_preparacio_full.png" style="border:0" alt="" /> </div> </a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-gm3_4c-musica_3_4_primaria_guia_del_profesor">Música 3-4 Primaria: Guía del Profesor</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_segundo_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo</a> Núm. 3</p> </div> <div class="compra"> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:26:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/cd-m3cdc-musica_3_primaria_cd"> <div class="capa_thumb" style="height:126px;background-image:url(/img/en_preparacion_thumb.jpg);"> <img src="/img/cpas/en_preparacio_full.png" style="border:0" alt="" /> </div> </a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/cd-m3cdc-musica_3_primaria_cd">Música 3 Primaria: CD</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> CD </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/jordi_lluis_rigol_monne">Jordi-Lluís Rigol Monné</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_segundo_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo</a> Núm. 3</p> </div> <div class="compra"> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:21:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-m3c-musica_3_primaria"> <div class="capa_thumb" style="height:126px;background-image:url(/img/en_preparacion_thumb.jpg);"> <img src="/img/cpas/en_preparacio_full.png" style="border:0" alt="" /> </div> </a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-m3c-musica_3_primaria">Música 3 Primaria</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/jordi_lluis_rigol_monne">Jordi-Lluís Rigol Monné</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_segundo_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Segundo Ciclo</a> Núm. 3</p> </div> <div class="compra"> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:11:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-m2c-musica_2_primaria"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-m2c-musica_2_primaria">Música 2 Primaria</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a>, <a href="/ca/autor/jordi_lluis_rigol_monne">Jordi-Lluís Rigol Monné</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_primer_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo</a> Núm. 2</p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1990"> <p>En producció</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1990"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1990"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/ca/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1990" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Afegir"> </form> </div> <p>15.70 € IVA inclòs</p> </div> </div> <div class="element"> 2006-07-12 20:03:00 <div class="tapa"> <a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-gm1_2c-musica_1_2_primaria_guia_del_profesor"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="info"> <h2><a href="/ca/publicacions-clasificacio-general/la_musica_a_l_educacio_general-educacio_primaria/card/llibre-gm1_2c-musica_1_2_primaria_guia_del_profesor">Música 1-2 Primaria: Guía del profesor</a></h2> <strong>Format:</strong> <p> Llibre </p> <strong>Autor:</strong><p><a href="/ca/autor/francesca_galofre_mora">Francesca Galofré Mora</a></p> <strong>Col·lecció:</strong><p><a href="/ca/colleccio/educacion_primaria_musica_primer_ciclo">Educación Primaria: Música Primer Ciclo</a></p> </div> <div class="compra"> <!-- <div class="en_produccion soon_1989"> <p>En producció</p> </div> <div style="display:none;" class="afegir pdfonline_1989"> --> <div class="afegir pdfonline_1989"> <form id="AddtoshoppingcartAddForm" method="post" action="/ca/shoppingcart/add"><fieldset style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" /></fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="product" value="1989" /> <input type="submit" id="botonSubmit" value="Afegir"> </form> </div> <p>9.00 € IVA inclòs</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="index"> <form name="form_letter" action="/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="letter" id="letter"/> <ul> <li class="all"><a class="a_letter_all" style="color:#7A0000;" href="#">TOTS</a></li> <li class=""> <a class="a_letter cap-0_9" href="#"> 0-9 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a class="a_letter cap-A" href="#"> A </a> </li> <li class=""> <a class="a_letter cap-B" href="#"> B </a> </li> <li 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PaginatorHelper::$_log = NULL PaginatorHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object PaginatorHelper::$Ajax = AjaxHelper object $ajax = AjaxHelper AjaxHelper::$helpers = array AjaxHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object AjaxHelper::$Javascript = JavascriptHelper object AjaxHelper::$callbacks = array AjaxHelper::$ajaxOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dragOptions = array AjaxHelper::$dropOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sortOptions = array AjaxHelper::$sliderOptions = array AjaxHelper::$editorOptions = array AjaxHelper::$autoCompleteOptions = array AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array AjaxHelper::$base = "" AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/" AjaxHelper::$themeWeb = NULL AjaxHelper::$here = "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3/318" AjaxHelper::$params = array AjaxHelper::$action = "display_home_types" AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL AjaxHelper::$data = NULL AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL AjaxHelper::$tags = array AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL AjaxHelper::$_log = NULL AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object $path_title = array( array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" ) ) $i = 0 $elem = array( "url" => "/ca/format/pdf_with_audio_mp3" )</pre><div id="CakeErrorCode8" class="cake-code-dump" style="display: none;"><pre><code><span style="color: #000000">                    //    echo __('nivell',true).' ';</span></code> <code><span style="color: #000000">                    //}</span></code> <span class="code-highlight"><code><span style="color: #000000">                    echo $elem['text'].' ';                            </span></code></span> </pre></div><pre>include - APP/views/layouts/default.ctp, line 18 View::_render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 665 View::renderLayout() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 453 View::render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 387 Controller::render() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 805 PublicacionsController::display_home_types() - APP/controllers/publicacions_controller.php, line 5353 Object::dispatchMethod() - CORE/cake/libs/object.php, line 121 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 225 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 192 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 88</pre></div>

Partitures i llibres de música: qualitat, creativitat i servei, sempre al teu abast

2006-07-13 16:31:00

Arietta 1




M.Dolors Bonal

Notice (8): Undefined index: visible_instrumentacio [APP/views/categories/display.ctp, line 394]
Notice (8): Undefined index: visible_formacions [APP/views/categories/display.ctp, line 406]

Arietta Núm. 1

6.50 € IVA inclòs

2006-07-12 20:32:00

24.96 € IVA inclòs

2006-07-12 20:11:00

15.70 € IVA inclòs

2006-07-12 20:03:00

9.00 € IVA inclòs

DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, S.L.
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(default) 194 queries took 655 ms
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118SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'A%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'A%' 119
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120SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'C%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'C%' 1114
121SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'D%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'D%' 1112
122SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'E%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'E%' 1121
123SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'F%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'F%' 115
124SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'G%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'G%' 112
125SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'H%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'H%' 115
126SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'I%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'I%' 114
127SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'J%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'J%' 113
128SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'K%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'K%' 112
129SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'L%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'L%' 1113
130SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'M%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'M%' 1110
131SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'N%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'N%' 114
132SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'O%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'O%' 114
133SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'P%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'P%' 118
134SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'Q%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'Q%' 115
135SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'R%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'R%' 114
136SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'S%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'S%' 1111
137SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'T%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'T%' 118
138SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'U%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'U%' 113
139SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'V%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'V%' 113
140SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'W%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'W%' 112
141SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'X%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'X%' 112
142SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'Y%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'Y%' 112
143SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN publicacion_translations AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`field` = 'titol' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`content` LIKE 'Z%') WHERE `Publicacion`.`titol` LIKE 'Z%' 112
144SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Publicacion`.`id`)) AS count FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` INNER JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `PublicacionI18n` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `PublicacionI18n`.`foreign_key` AND `PublicacionI18n`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `PublicacionI18n`.`locale` = 'ca_es') WHERE 1 = 1 1191
145SELECT DISTINCT `Publicacion`.`id`, `Publicacion`.`format`, `Publicacion`.`preu`, `Publicacion`.`created`, `Publicacion`.`novetat`, `Publicacion`.`en_preparacio`, `Publicacion`.`recomanat`, `Publicacion`.`exhaurit`, `Publicacion`.`oferta`, `I18n__titol`.`content`, `I18n__url`.`content`, `I18n__intro`.`content`, `Publicacion`.`id` FROM `publicacions` AS `Publicacion` LEFT JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `I18n__titol` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `I18n__titol`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__titol`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `I18n__titol`.`field` = 'titol') LEFT JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') LEFT JOIN `publicacion_translations` AS `I18n__intro` ON (`Publicacion`.`id` = `I18n__intro`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__intro`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `I18n__intro`.`field` = 'intro') WHERE `I18n__titol`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__intro`.`locale` = 'ca_es' ORDER BY `Publicacion`.`created` DESC LIMIT 2219, 777316
146SELECT `Archivesrelation`.`id`, `Archivesrelation`.`model`, `Archivesrelation`.`foreign_id`, `Archivesrelation`.`order`, `Archivesrelation`.`file_id`, `Archivesrelation`.`archivestypes_id` FROM `archivesrelations` AS `Archivesrelation` WHERE `model` = 'Publicacion' AND `Archivesrelation`.`foreign_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) ORDER BY `Archivesrelation`.`order` ASC 13134
147SELECT `Rating`.`id`, `Rating`.`user_id`, `Rating`.`model_id`, `Rating`.`model`, `Rating`.`rating`, `Rating`.`name`, `Rating`.`created`, `Rating`.`modified` FROM `ratings` AS `Rating` WHERE `Rating`.`model` = 'Publicacion' AND `Rating`.`model_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) 000
148SELECT `Comment`.`id`, `Comment`.`publicacion_id`, `Comment`.`replay_id`, `Comment`.`name`, `Comment`.`email`, `Comment`.`comment`, `Comment`.`published`, `Comment`.`created`, `Comment`.`modified` FROM `comments` AS `Comment` WHERE `Comment`.`replay_id`=0 AND `Comment`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) ORDER BY `Comment`.`id` ASC 000
149SELECT `Autor`.`id`, `Autor`.`nom`, `Autor`.`cognom`, `Autor`.`2cognom`, `Autor`.`curriculum`, `Autor`.`data_desconeguda`, `Autor`.`data_naixement`, `Autor`.`nomes_any_naixement`, `Autor`.`nomes_any_defuncio`, `Autor`.`defuncio`, `Autor`.`data_defuncio`, `Autor`.`data_defuncio_desconeguda`, `Autor`.`url`, `Autor`.`published`, `PublicacionsAutor`.`id`, `PublicacionsAutor`.`autor_id`, `PublicacionsAutor`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsAutor`.`funcion_id` FROM `autors` AS `Autor` JOIN `publicacions_autors` AS `PublicacionsAutor` ON (`PublicacionsAutor`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsAutor`.`autor_id` = `Autor`.`id`) ORDER BY nom ASC 28282
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151SELECT `Colleccion`.`id`, `Colleccion`.`nom`, `Colleccion`.`catcolleccion_id`, `Colleccion`.`descripcio`, `Colleccion`.`order`, `Colleccion`.`url`, `Colleccion`.`published`, `PublicacionsColleccion`.`id`, `PublicacionsColleccion`.`colleccion_id`, `PublicacionsColleccion`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsColleccion`.`num_volum` FROM `colleccions` AS `Colleccion` JOIN `publicacions_colleccions` AS `PublicacionsColleccion` ON (`PublicacionsColleccion`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsColleccion`.`colleccion_id` = `Colleccion`.`id`) ORDER BY `Colleccion`.`nom` ASC 771
152SELECT `Editor`.`id`, `Editor`.`nom`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`id`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`editor_id`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`data_edicio`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`num_edicio`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`data_reimpresio`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`data_reimpresio_nul`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`num_reimpresio`, `PublicacionsEditor`.`deposito_legal` FROM `editors` AS `Editor` JOIN `publicacions_editors` AS `PublicacionsEditor` ON (`PublicacionsEditor`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsEditor`.`editor_id` = `Editor`.`id`) 771
153SELECT `Enquadernacion`.`id`, `Enquadernacion`.`nom`, `Enquadernacion`.`published`, `PublicacionsEnquadernacion`.`id`, `PublicacionsEnquadernacion`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsEnquadernacion`.`enquadernacion_id` FROM `enquadernacions` AS `Enquadernacion` JOIN `publicacions_enquadernacions` AS `PublicacionsEnquadernacion` ON (`PublicacionsEnquadernacion`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsEnquadernacion`.`enquadernacion_id` = `Enquadernacion`.`id`) 771
154SELECT `Formacion`.`id`, `Formacion`.`nom`, `Formacion`.`catformacion_id`, `Formacion`.`order`, `Formacion`.`url`, `Formacion`.`published`, `Formacion`.`metadescription`, `PublicacionsFormacion`.`id`, `PublicacionsFormacion`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsFormacion`.`formacion_id` FROM `formacions` AS `Formacion` JOIN `publicacions_formacions` AS `PublicacionsFormacion` ON (`PublicacionsFormacion`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsFormacion`.`formacion_id` = `Formacion`.`id`) 221
155SELECT `Idioma`.`id`, `Idioma`.`nom`, `Idioma`.`published`, `Idioma`.`url`, `PublicacionsIdioma`.`id`, `PublicacionsIdioma`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsIdioma`.`idioma_id` FROM `idiomas` AS `Idioma` JOIN `publicacions_idiomas` AS `PublicacionsIdioma` ON (`PublicacionsIdioma`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsIdioma`.`idioma_id` = `Idioma`.`id`) 771
156SELECT `Instrument`.`id`, `Instrument`.`nom`, `Instrument`.`catinstrument_id`, `Instrument`.`published`, `Instrument`.`url`, `Instrument`.`metadescription`, `PublicacionsInstrument`.`id`, `PublicacionsInstrument`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsInstrument`.`instrument_id`, `PublicacionsInstrument`.`priority` FROM `instruments` AS `Instrument` JOIN `publicacions_instruments` AS `PublicacionsInstrument` ON (`PublicacionsInstrument`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsInstrument`.`instrument_id` = `Instrument`.`id`) ORDER BY `PublicacionsInstrument`.`priority` DESC 331
157SELECT `Mida`.`id`, `Mida`.`nom`, `Mida`.`orientacio`, `Mida`.`published`, `PublicacionsMida`.`id`, `PublicacionsMida`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsMida`.`mida_id` FROM `midas` AS `Mida` JOIN `publicacions_midas` AS `PublicacionsMida` ON (`PublicacionsMida`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsMida`.`mida_id` = `Mida`.`id`) 661
158SELECT `Retractilat`.`id`, `Retractilat`.`nom`, `Retractilat`.`published`, `PublicacionsRetractilat`.`id`, `PublicacionsRetractilat`.`publicacion_id`, `PublicacionsRetractilat`.`retractilat_id` FROM `retractilats` AS `Retractilat` JOIN `publicacions_retractilats` AS `PublicacionsRetractilat` ON (`PublicacionsRetractilat`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `PublicacionsRetractilat`.`retractilat_id` = `Retractilat`.`id`) 111
159SELECT `Newsletter`.`id`, `Newsletter`.`slug`, `Newsletter`.`titol`, `Newsletter`.`assumpte`, `Newsletter`.`intro`, `Newsletter`.`data`, `Newsletter`.`published`, `NewslettersPublicacion`.`id`, `NewslettersPublicacion`.`publicacion_id`, `NewslettersPublicacion`.`newsletter_id` FROM `newsletters` AS `Newsletter` JOIN `newsletters_publicacions` AS `NewslettersPublicacion` ON (`NewslettersPublicacion`.`publicacion_id` IN (1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989) AND `NewslettersPublicacion`.`newsletter_id` = `Newsletter`.`id`) 661
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163SELECT `Instrument`.`id`, `I18n__nom`.`content`, `I18n__url`.`content` FROM `instruments` AS `Instrument` LEFT JOIN `instrument_translations` AS `I18n__nom` ON (`Instrument`.`id` = `I18n__nom`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__nom`.`model` = 'Instrument' AND `I18n__nom`.`field` = 'nom') LEFT JOIN `instrument_translations` AS `I18n__url` ON (`Instrument`.`id` = `I18n__url`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__url`.`model` = 'Instrument' AND `I18n__url`.`field` = 'url') WHERE `Instrument`.`id` = 838 AND `I18n__nom`.`locale` = 'ca_es' AND `I18n__url`.`locale` = 'ca_es' LIMIT 1110
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